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Posts posted by Parker

  1. How come all "leaked" pics are blurry?. If they have a copy of the game they surely have enough time to take a clear picture of this supposed gameplay.

    WHERE THE HELL IS NORTH YANKTON???? Anyone? I don't see it labeled on the map

    O.K. I found a MASSIVE SPOILER relating to this. ( This is from a third party source, so I would take the information with a grain of salt/ this guy says that the info is from the Leaked PS3 Audio Files for GTA V )

    So don't click on the spoiler tags, if you don't want spoiler's relating to...

    the story

    First here is a spoiler telling you about...

    North Yankton, without spoiling the story

    It's not on GTA V's Map, it's only accessible during a mission.

    And here is the Major Spoiler ~

    which will spoil parts of the story

    Proceed at your own PERIL ~


    Michael lives in North Yankton ( which is in Canada ) at the start of the game. Michael gets into trouble with a Triad Group called Wei Shen ( a direct reference to Sleeping Dogs/ which seems unlikely ) anyway he fakes his death under a protection agreement with the FIB. Trevor sees all of this of course, but doesn't know that Michael's death was staged.

    Michael then moves to Los Santos and meets Trevor again.

    But eventually the Triads find out that he isn't dead, and make a plan to kill Michael ( kidnapping him, and taking him to North Yankton ), so Trevor goes up there to kill them.

    *PS: Some parts of the story seem unlikely, like Rockstar referencing another game ( Sleeping Dogs ). So it could all be bullshit.

    WHY THE FUCK DID I READ THAT! Stupid Stupid Stupid :wall: I hope it's B.S.

    Don't worry mate, that seems faker than Nicki Minaj's ass.