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Posts posted by Parker

  1. I actually watched an AFL game in Auckland a long time ago. I only remember it because a player was watching a high ball and ran full speed into a goal post, knocking him out... AFL is a mental game and can be fun to watch, rugby on the other hand is fucking boring.

    Rugby League is better IMO - I would love to see how some NFL players would go playing league...

    Don't talk about rugby around Aussies - they hate being reminded there is something NZ is better than them at...

    SHEEP SHAGER!!! I'm sorry..... <_<

  2. *bump*

    I think everyone knows the lag we've been experiencing recently. In preparation for Tuesday, we have been moved to a faster server. A few other upgrades are in the works to make sure we're still afloat Tuesday morning too. Hopefully this actually lasts more than a year unlike the ^previous move^....

    Great to hear mate!

  3. Ugh you guys are so lucky, I don't get my copy till 3-6pm on the 17th.

    Same Mate. My retailer said they would call me when it is available. I think I will be calling them in the morning. wont get to play it till after work. depending on how long that install takes.

    If I don't get my copy at EB Games at 8am sharp, I'll piss on the clerk and shit on the counter..... I have issues.