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Posts posted by Barrybran

  1.'s amazing what terms mean in different countries.

    Fanny. :lol:

    I remember the first time I heard the phrase "fanny pack". We call them "bum bags" in Australia (US "fanny" = Australia "bum") so imagine my confusion when I tried to figure out how and why you'd keep a bag in/near your vagina.

    As Rob said, wog is fine here. After all, we have a movie called "The Wog Boy" and a stage show called "Wogs on Stage", though both were created by Australians of Greek descent. Like everything Australian, it's about context. "My mate's a wog" is perfectly fine. "That furry little wog" isn't so much :P

  2. After playing this evening although I could just be tiered I find myself a little disappointed. Yeah the graphics are amazing and first person view has it's laughs but really there ain't much more. Okay single player has a few additional like more wildlife and a few extra side missions but everything else is the same. Online just the same as before although we do have a few new vehicles and weapons but that's DLC territory. Oh well I will go and catch up on sleep tonight and then on Friday when I am off give it a chance.

    Legit question, not trying to be a smartarse, but what were you (all PS4 users) expecting from the upgrade?