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About rusty-door-knob

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  1. im a die hard fan of the gta series, and i love how the game plays, but ive always liked the idea of realism, and i think thats what rockstar is going for in gta v. i think that if you u want to carry around many weapons, eg, rocket launcher, ar, pistol, submachine gun, melee, grenades etc, you should some sort of special clothing or like a vest and tactical gear almost like the suit a character uses in one of the trailers to break into a high rise building. also certain weapon types should need to be carried on your back like an rpg or heavy assault weapon, multiple weapons could be carried on the back by using tactical gear like i mentioned before, if tactical gear isnt used then only one weapon can be carried on back and stow 3, like a smg, pistol, melee or grenades. would this be a good idea or would this take away the root weapon mechanics that gta is known for??? let me know