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Everything posted by korkki

  1. Look at the burning aircraft pic, it looks like there is heavy plane taking off under the left hand wing. And in the left area in the sea, that sure is a BIG ship (or an oil rig). Anyway awesome screens, cant wait it to come out!
  2. Those pics are damn good. Looks like the guy is wearing some kind of diving suit, so you can dive for a long time. And the plane looks like Boeing 747 to me, and it surely is big plane. I'd love to crash that to the mount chiliad
  3. There's a lot of interesting things on the Tommy Hmiljs twitter account. These doesn't actually relate to Kifflom, but I thought this would be appriate to post here, if not, feel free to move. Take a look at these: He announced the location where you can adopt the dogs, Los Santos Pet Emporium, maybe all 3 protagonists can have dog? Even severals? Other interesting thing is this picture with tweet "Why do I keep feeling like I have forgotten something? Maybe an anniversary of some sort? Anyways look at the view!" The observatory is probably in the right outside of this picture, and this is taken somewhere near downtown. Unfortonately the detail distance isn't so good in this pic. City looks big, but the first building looks little sketchy. And looks like there is airship between the two skyscrapers. Anyways better keep following his tweets, theres plenty of info there. Like Niko Bellic had flight ticket to LS, but he didn't use it becouse he didn't know whether to go to LS or Vice City. He decided to stay in Liberty City, and he sold the ticket at craplist.net I also noticed Patrick Macrearys and Sonny Forellis name on Tommys twitter. Btw Hello guys, I'm new here, so apologies for the messy post