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Posts posted by Fryman

  1. I played free roam in RDR and some guy was on a buffalo shooting the hell ou t of me from a mile away with all gold guns shit pissed me off so I stopped playing for a few months I prob. Shouldn't blame that one experience from keeping me from playing it but Ehh I played free for all kind of mode and kicked some serious ass though but I'm good at those kind of games anyways back on subject I don't care which health option we get I just wanna see some kind of health shot and quick gun selection like RDR like some unknown person said

  2. I just want at least 3 diff helicopters to choose from and atleast one of them have the missiles on them big apache kind not the small ones and I agree with you guys about taking ppl in planes and being able to jump out whenever you want. What I don't want to see and what pissed me off is when you would bump into the planes flying I'm IV you'd be delt ridiculous damage that shit pissed me off when trying to fly along side them also when you get onto the airport runway or where the helicopters are you don't get 4 stars first the warn you and escort you out and if you run then the pit stars on you different ammount for how far you go in what you do

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  3. Ahh yes I loved driving trains that's one of the first things I did in IV. But was very disappointed to say the least anyhoo the only thing that put me off from driving a train in SA is when it would derail its do just that tipon its side and stop I hope in this one they derail and boxes and tanks go flipping (if going fast enough) either way two trains have an appointment once I get the game

  4. Hmm.. from what I'm reading it seems the attitude went from "sweet the map is gonna be huge! Can't wait!" To "look how small the city is looking like it mite suck". In my honest opinion which I'm sure none of you care about but I'm ok with that small of a city I mean its not lc and a medium sized city is fine with me so long as there's details which were already confirmed not just a bunch of huge buildings that you can do nothing with I'm sure you'll be able to go inside a lot of them and do a lot of thimgs on them so it evens out plus unlike lc its not just city theres going to be a lot out there

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