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Posts posted by JustAn808

  1. haha, read the youtube comments. they are so fucking stupid!!!! everybody thinks that this is real and the game will come out on May 24th. they are all gullible dumbasses. i commented to try to talk some sense into there retarded asses.

    I think it must be all the GTA fans who don't visit GTA fansites so believe anything they're told because..........well I don't know why tbh.

    Because they have so much outside influence and they don't have anyone telling them different on Youtube except for our friend @rm80rams of course.

    • Like 1

  2. Dumb Question:

    I just bought the GOTY Edition (Not sure if that matters) RDR and wondering why the Hunting Challenges won't appear in my journal. I've completed the Survivalist and Sharpshooter Challenges.

    I apologize in advance if I'm posting in the wrong place.

    Edit: Nevermind, decided to use the googles on the interwebs :lamo:

  3. Not sure.I think there will be multiple protags, but in order for the story to flow smoothly, at one point, the game will force you to play out the events with a different protag...possibly switching back and forth without letting you choose when.

    Plus, I'm pretty positive that this title consists of a whole new universe, so I don't think we can really compare it to the "Episodes" titles.