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Everything posted by kennyimpala89

  1. one clear and easy example is that all games are possible to, but none are modded. except for ut3 now here is the deal, jailbreaking ur ps3 means the possibility of adding mods. but I doubt the mods would like me to elaborate on that.
  2. is right on my profile. but what a turn off with the recent news.
  3. I dont have an xbox.... so you would want to create your own clan for the xbox.
  4. it was obvious sarcasm professor. lol You sure you understand what sarcasm is? haha you are funny I give you that. nytes.
  5. it was obvious sarcasm professor. lol did you have that picture bookmarked or did you actually browse for it? just wondering. im going to smoke then sleep so good nytes. sleep good. don't dream of me or you might get get.
  6. pretty much, but you know what the constitution says. we are all created equal.
  7. I am not suppose to put a picture of my self now am I, am half chinese, half puerto rican, half english, half persian. too many halfs don't fit in a picture.
  8. actually that was the original idea, just a free roam clan, why is it not possible. and thanks for your polite input. I ranked all the way to 10 in gtaIV, after that I explored many things fuck around a lot.... etc... this is a way to fuck around if LA Noire did not fulfill that multiplayer absence you have. you get my point. the clan is just to chill and have fun, not to get hysterical. this is not a competitive clan I also agree with you that this sort of issue would follow along in this clan, if that was it purpose but is not. so your earlier post doesn't apply as you just prejudiced it without knowing its details. yes. lol but the benefit is that you can take that as an insult or a veneration. your choice lol
  9. hehe I give you credit for being hilarious but I think is more of a me and you while doing some research I figure out what is your dilemma. you guys are having some stupid problems and dealing with them stupidly. parsimony would be the best approach for you guys. ignore the problem and it will go away. it doesn't take a smart ass to analyze that. you think I am fatuous, but assuming that without any precedents is being an ignorant jerk. much more like Hitler did with his friends Jews. if you guys do not welcome posts in here, you could just mention that in the main page "GET OUT OF HERE WE ARE JERKS" good day and fuck off I am going to another website. wasn't this what you wanted anyways since day one? you confused me for moron idiot, but I am pretty sure you have no idea what is outside the box.
  10. where at, I am going to beat your ass. you want to play online chess now uh?! This was a game of chess and you got hoodwinked into giving up. we all had those moments, where someone near you makes your life miserable. I know the feeling trust me.
  11. where at, I am going to beat your ass. you want to play online chess now uh?!
  12. thing is, I though it would be cool to having a rank system. where people follow orders and give orders. I do not see what the flaw is, specially if all you have done is criticizing it without giving reasons on why is such a stupid idea. perhaps if you tell me how I could improve this, I would but all you have done is talk shit. perhaps this was the wrong place to post this. I should have known better. you know what seems to be a better idea is just to bail out of here before this boat sinks. peace.
  13. I joined you for a game because I thought it might be fun but now I've smashed my TV and killed the rabbit, happy now? wtf not the rabbit asshole.
  14. just fuck off marney, if you don't like it. go fuck yourself.
  15. wtf... lol calm down you didn't see I was invisible. get someone else to do that. ok organization wise. yes I have done clans before. and my computer is not right next to me. I told you just kick my ass and you are in. you haven't killed me once.
  16. lol kk and yeas mr dan himself should give you his little secret, or should I say sam Sorry. I don't understand??? Edit: It says I'm unable to join because I need GTA IV. Don't you have the EFLC disc? I don't have the eflc disc but I have the dlcs however, what you can try is to change to regular gta then I invite you, you should be able to join.
  17. lol kk and yeas mr dan himself should give you his little secret, or should I say sam
  18. I play on Xbox 360 anyway and I'm one of the most hated person(s) on it besides the rest of my team, Anyway best of luck I guess. kool. but I was just kidding man. no hard feeling. yeah this clan is basically for psn, but if someone deems to take it to xbox is not a problem. good luck I will add you as soon as I get to my ps3. great. when I hopefully we will have a bunch of recruits, and you could build your own squad.
  19. hahaha that would mean that I would have to give you a psn card right away..... not going to happen. although I might consider you for a higher position police captain? perhaps? but you have to show me that you are good in gta. send in the email with the requested info and I will put you in the spreadsheet. and I will reply with who you have to add. I have to show you that I'm good in GTA? Good in what way - like being a good law enforcer or that I know how to drive, what? When can I prove myself to you? Excuse me, Would you pull over? HEY! Mister I said pull over please. Pisses me off along with when i receive the messages "M2AF&RP If you want to be a roleplaying cop message me". If you were to look at the XBL forums for GTA it's nothing but role-playing clans now. I understand now why such negative replies from you and I agree with you. in no way this is a role playing clan. this is a team based clan. let me explain in easy words for you. -follow orders from superiors -call for back ups -keep a most wanted list updated for big time criminals -keep a regular ranks system -become powerful because after all the biggest mod is the police but... I still do not want you in my team lol. ok give me like 30 minutes I am going to have something to eat on the way back you can show me. while this test is not required for new comers, I ask you to because you want to be in a higher position. pretty much this is what I need to see. you can kick my ass with ease. you can drive like a total badass and later on when more people join you can show me how good you handle your squad.
  20. then perhaps you did not read the part where it says the highest rank will be awarded with $20 psn card. but with your attitude I am not interested in having u in my team. lol I wouldn't want to be you "ur teem" anyway. I've got better things to do then Role Play with a bunch of teens/pre-teens. unless the roleplaying is sexual.. hehe sometimes I do not pay attention to what I say **cough**shithole**cough** then perhaps you should move on and fuck off.
  21. I think that would be more than kool. having a little off the rules personnel is not a bad idea. send in the application just mention that you wrote here, because I already have a couple. I will tell you what to do after that. well we don't want anyone blowing up lol. so kudos to him
  22. Yeah, we do. Sorry, that's just how things work here. ok I see. then I feel more than happy =) I used to be like that too until I realized how much you can get out of people but just faking to be a nice person.
  23. hahaha that would mean that I would have to give you a psn card right away..... not going to happen. although I might consider you for a higher position police captain? perhaps? but you have to show me that you are good in gta. send in the email with the requested info and I will put you in the spreadsheet. and I will reply with who you have to add.
  24. *tried that* smart-ass * heavily breaths while trying to find out why this god damn thing is telling me to fuck off when I try to attach something or add a picture* I get the error you are not allowed to use this file extension.... wth is a jpeg. everyone uses jpeg guys I am not forcing you to apply. I have managed clans before, and I thought some people would be interest in joining a cop clan. you don't have to be jerks about it. if you are interested look at the links if not. then move on. thanks