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Everything posted by TheBigSexyBeast

  1. So, those of us who didn't get the phrase in time, is there still hope? ...The Beast Has Spoken........!
  2. Damn, I was about to Davinci code and shit! ...The Beast Has Spoken........!
  3. In CJ voice: "Yeah fo sho homie, I'm down!" ...The Beast Has Spoken..............!
  4. You know, it sounds stupid to have one but, considering the sandbox aspect of GTA, where being a car person it would matter like top speed. I love driving and speeding on the freeways and I am curious sometimes what the top speed is. It didnt use to matter before but I say yes to the speedometer...The Beast Has Spoken..................!
  5. This kid could be telling the truth! ...His dad on the other hand... :/ ...The Beast Has Spoken......................................................................!
  6. Maaaan, I fucken LOVED the t.v. on grand theft auto, my favorite was The mens room, I was fucking laughing my ass off when I saw Bas Rutten man I was like oh shit! haha and hearing him say all that crazy shit, i quote that all the time and people look at me like im crazy, they dont know what im talking about but fuck em, whatever. I do hope they bring that back, and also the stand up comedy, that was special to me cause I love stand up comedy, and you dont get that shit in a game, you dont get those luxuries and I enjoyed it, i hope they bring that back. other than that, i kinda hated that the rest of the shows looked more like slideshows, I wasnt very hooked but they were very funny and interesting, I couldnt imagine "GTA T.V." NOT being interesting so whatever they have to offer. Bring it all back ...The Beast Has Spoken.................................................!