GTA V & Rockstar Games BAFTA Wins

Posted by TreeFitty March 13, 2014 : 3 Comments : 13,238 Views

Out of the 9 BAFTA nominations Grand Theft Auto V and Rockstar Games received, they managed to take home 3 plus induction into the Academy Fellowship.

The awards gained are:
  • Game Design in 2014
  • Multiplayer in 2014
  • British Game in 2014
  • Fellowship in 2014
Top people from Rockstar Games - Dan & Sam Houser, Leslie Benzies, and Aaron Garbut - were at the ceremony to accept the honors:

Congrats to all involved!

Be sure to join the various conversations in the forums!

Comments (3)

  • DuPz0r (Guest) March 13, 2014
    I agree with bOnEs here. Massacre, have you played TLoU yet? The narrative is on par if not, better than film. Steven Ogg Did a brilliant job as Trevor, but it was probably the most competitive year ever.
  • bOnEs (Guest) March 13, 2014
    as much as i think ogg deserved the award, the last of us was really just that damn good... any other year and ogg wins in a landslide...
  • Massacre (Guest) March 13, 2014
    Steven Ogg gets snubbed again, and once again by someone from The Last of Us. Typical.
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