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GTA V R* Editor

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My first quesion is how the fuck do you trim clips and soundtracks? I can see that you can place markers, but i've not been able to find a trim or delete button for unwanted clips or soundtracks...

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you can set start and end points by hovering over their points and moving the count meter... took me a minute to figure out too... now my problem is uploading a clip, it keeps timing out trying to connect to my youtube account...


also, you can't record what just happened, you have to be recording at the time to capture it :(...

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Yeah i got it in the end. Holding L1 & R1 whilst scrubbing trims each respective side.

And yeah, i only see a youtube option to upload, where is R* SC...? My youtube keeps timing out too.

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i think it has to be uploaded to youtube to show up on the SC... i bet they're using the power of youtube to keep their servers form being overwhelmed lol... also, this editor has definitely changed snaps forever...











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This is about the only cool thing about this "update".  It has caused many issues with races, like servers not remembering the race settings (traffic off, slip stream, no contact  catchup etc) and about 50% of the time the races begin with "default" settings meaning traffic on and slip and catchup contact, on no matter how the race was designed.  races with barriers crash when started. 

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Haven't had that issue on PS4. Must be a PC only bug...?

This editor has made snapmatics so much easier. I leave action replay on all the time now, and just go through all my clips before i delete them to see if i have any sweet moments to snap, and every time there's a sweet shot in there, no matter the subject matter.

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Perhaps so, it happened on heists too.  I purchased "all ammo" and had confirmation, then it went to mission screen where you assign jobs etc, and it asked me again to purchase the ammo I had just bought.  (servers arent "remembering" their settings)

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