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Are you already doing a reverse grip?





Been lifting on and off for the past two years with football, been more consistent since October. I always did it with the reverse grip as pictured.


It's a 10 pound difference that I feel it.

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Lately I've been feeling a lot more depressed than usual, we're still making an appointment for therapy but it's affecting my everyday life at this point.


I cut school at least one or two days a week, part of it is social anxiety I get and part of it is the fact I can't make it through a full day without feeling exhausted. At this point I am always tired whether I get three hours sleep or nine. I don't know what do to anymore.

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Why do you think you feel depressed?


It's a lot to write and a lot of it is personal, my counselor at school is asking me to go to a therapist because him along with the school social worker say I show signs of depression and anxiety, body dysmorphia, and it would likely benefit me. I've lost all my motivation in school and this always being tired thing is getting old. 


Also, life doesn't feel real in a way if that makes sense, like I know it's happening but memories don't seem real and everything just passes. Plus the past few months have gone be extremely fast for me.

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Are you into fitness?


Yeah, I lift at least three times a week. I noticed when lifting last week I couldn't do as much though all the sudden which was very odd. 

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