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Gameplay problems (glitches, errors, etc.) in GTA games

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I haven't come across a general gameplay problem related thread for GTA games, so maybe it's time to create one.

I have a problem with my San Andreas game I'm playing right now. After completing Wu Zi Mu mission (the first race in the Countryside, mission given by Cesar) I was fooling around The Panopticon area, then swam to Flint County and ran to the cargo depot at Fallen Tree. It's there where I experienced a problem.

I tried to cut a corner outside the depot fence, ran into concrete wall under fence and saw "LOADING..." on a black bar on the screen. Vision started to blur, pause-menu map started to be visible through, everything was white and red. I thought it was yet another Blue Hell incident, but I couldn't do shit and CJ didn't respawn. When I opened the map in the pause menu, all of San Andreas was as if accessible to me (no greyish areas, even though I haven't unlocked the Desert/LV part yet), but there was no location marker and when I entered the map, it only showed blue (water) all around, no chance of zooming out.

After some time I restarted the game from last save, completed the race once again, but after a while I realized there is no traffic anywhere. I know it is possible to put in a cheat code for that, but I haven't done that. Even if done by accident, I would've got the warning before saving and that didn't happen. I entered a safehouse and hoped the traffic returns, but none of that occurred. There are peds, parked vehicles and flying planes, otherwise no traffic outside mission-specific vehicles when I start a mission.

Any idea what has happened and how it may be undone? Notice, I haven't saved after the Fallen Tree glitch (I wasn't even able to).

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I've never heard of this before. Are you positive you didn't use the destroy all traffic cheat?

The only thing i can think of is; have you got any older save files from before glitch? if so, see if the traffic still flows.

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I'm 100% positive I didn't use any cheats at all. First of all, I have never cheated on console. I migh'tve put in a cheat by accident when pressing various buttons when the glitch occurred, but then I'd get a warning before saving game.

I will check out how the traffic looks if I start from other save files later when I get home.

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So I got back home, loaded last saved game (i.e. the one where I experienced problems) and...discovered everything went back to normal. Dunno how and why the traffic was missing earlier, but I guess such problems simply happen and then disappear.

Now I can go on with those great countryside missions, love'em!

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