xIX iSaVaGe XIx

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Posts posted by xIX iSaVaGe XIx

  1. I hope there is gangs but i don't think any of the druggie crack head coke sniffing failures because it looks like that they are really building up on Los Santos and it looks more a of a place where people would want to visit and not to be infested with drug dealing weirdos. Although the scruffy parts of Los Santos look interesting where they could probably be gangs but like i said, probably not gangs where there names are related to where the gangs originated unless them places still exists. Quite a confusing point, it is for me anyway but i hope things like triads and some Mafia related Families exist in the city of Los Santos.

    Thanks :fap:

  2. I just thought of something.

    Maybe that guy looking over his balcony is "Claude"

    Since it's been 10 years, he is trying to get out of "that line of work" and start a new life, moving from LC to LS. He would be roughly the right age, so it's possible. However R* denied the return of GTA III Era characters, but that is very interesting.

    I would love to see that but remember Claude never spoke

    You guys realise he was in GTA:SA... i dont see why he would go back and fourth places (from LC TO LS TO LC LS just doesnt make sense).

  3. Well like the guy looking off of the balcony is Ned Luke (although probably not the character name) he doesn't really suit the criminal type of character. More of a mob boss giving people jobs to do and organizing bank robbery's and such and if you do play as this Ned Luke guy then honestly, i don't think things such as body building and getting fatter would be in the game but there are also possibilities that the pro-tag could be the guy in the car (Red Convertible) which honestly i would enjoy playing as more. He looks like the type a guy who would commit a lot of crime (Not because he is dark skinned) and be the type of 'hip gangsta' dude who gets all the chicks and not having to purchase a quickie from a whore. There could be two main characters as i have both mentioned in this comment, but i highly doubt it since they have never done that in a GTA before. *SPOILER FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T COMPLETED RDR ALTHOUGH ITS BEEN OUT FOR DONKEYS YEARS*

    They kind of did in RDR at the end when you switched main character but somehow didn't really feel the same when his son followed in his footsteps as he was the kind of young boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. Kind of how it would be if they had 2 main characters at the same time since one looks harmless and one looks like a crazy S.O.B.

    Well anyway that's my opinion and i hope it didn't bore you to death with this mega long comment hehehehe bravo to you for reading it all :clap:

    Thanks. :fap:

  4. but idk if rockstar would really want a whole gang of say "white" people having a shootout with an all hispanic or black gang idk.

    Why not? In team based games in RDR you can have Rebeldes vs. American Army and such, then you are automatically given one of those character's models. What's to stop people from having a racist gang war? If they want to play honkys vs. spics vs. crackers that's up to them, R* can't really stop them.

    Like i said, creating your own character would be beast. So its not just Black v White, its also things like fat v skinny, baldys v afros. Would be such a great idea and put so much more entertainment in the game.

  5. gta_san_andreas_multiplayer_01[1].jpg

    I really hope by the next GTA they improve the online multiplayer experience a lot. Sure they had the basics on IV, but i really hope - for instants; we can have large freeroam sessions, where you can have say 50-100 players per map. Instead of just being able to kill each other, they should have the freeroam as a sort of hub to start matches, freeroam missions, join gangs/clans, in-which you can have planned matched for turf influence. Maybe a little like what they did with RDR but more. There is so much potential for online multiplayer, that R* North and GTA V could re-invent the genre once again.

    Make some of your own suggestions that you think would enhance the multiplayer experience on GTA, so we can all discuss it. You never know, R* could see some of our suggestions and implement them!

    I agree totally. I have not read any comments above me so if you have already said this, i apologise.

    First thing what sprung to my mind when i heard GTA 5 had just been announced, is the multi-player aspect of the game. Since GTA 4, there has been Red Dead Redemption which was EXTREMELY similar to The grand theft auto franchise (in my opinion). The multi-player on RDR was amazing. Posses, Co-op missions, gang hideouts and dont forget the zombie survival game modes! Immense!

    All i am hoping for in GTA 5 is some little things such as:

    -Gangs (Similar to Posses on RDR)

    -Gang Turf (On free roam)

    -More interactions with the environment.

    -Please let there be some sort of Hardcore mode, where you cannot see other players on your map or their names above their heads. Bringing sort of a stealthy approach to the game.

    -When in game chat, only being able to hear people who are not in your gang from an actual realistic hearing distance to also allow you to sort of eavesdrop.

    -Why not some casual actions whilst on a sneaky mission (following, eavesdropping, mugging, etc.) such as smoking a cigarette, sitting on a bench, having a cup of coffee or even maybe having a conversation with a random pedestrian.

    -Some cool on-line character customisation. So when your in an on-line game, if you want your guy to have muscles, you actually have to go to the gym ON-LINE and Buy clothes from money you earn ON-LINE.

    All of these ideas could be easily improvised to the game, making it much more fun and elaborate to play. Thank you for reading this and please leave any of your other ideas to a reply to this comment.

    Thanks (Y)

    (Btw, Gta V FTW! :jumpy:)