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Posts posted by Indy

  1. true dat, i shall rename the picture to "me standing next to a gentleman who stole Paddington Bear's coat."

    *Does not provide image*

    Paddington Bear was only mildly popular over here, surprised you've even heard of it.

    I used to watch Paddington Bear when I was a kid, thought it was shit then too.


  2. It's terrible that I live on the same planet as the person who makes GTA5Videos, as well as all the people who like the videos. I know exactly who these people are, i've met them in real life. They're those people that have nothing useful or intelligent to add to a conversation, they normally just repeat things someone else has said, or suggest something very stupid that you just agree with because arguing with their logic would make you want to slit your wrists. We all know these people, and now they exist on the internet. The world shouldn't be so accessible to idiots. I will make this my life goal.

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  3. As much as I hate Ronaldo as a person, he is an absolutely brilliant athlete and footballer. Did you ever see "Ronaldo: Tested To The Limit"? Think it's on YouTube now. Watch it. Unreal. He does all sorts of stuff like volleying a ball in pitch black after seeing it kicked from 20 yards away for half a second. Insane skillz.

    When he heads the ball in pitch black, amazing. I loved that documentary.