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Posts posted by BRO_MAN

  1. Since there was snow with actual snow falling in rdr, I feel there's a very high chance we'll at least see a peak of a mountain with some cover. If they do have dynamic weather changes as you reach said area, im not sure it would be as easy to pull off as RDR was, as you can enter that area from any angle, not just the ground with tree cover. The sky would have to drastically in order to make the transition. That will probably be it though, and if we're lucky maybe even some snow vehicles, like the ones that were found in the max payne code.

    EDIT: typos and more depth muthafuckas.

  2. For MP, I think we'll see the same shit with helicopters mainly, but planes aren't as maneuverable so we're going to see alot more chases throughout the skys, which is going to be fucking awesome. I know in IV MP the armed choppers spawn at the airport, but im pretty sure they dont in single player. This will most likely be the same, but i don't think we're really going to have an area lin V that we treat IV's airport like, what with asshats and fagotry, along with people just doing laps and fucking around and such. Besides the peak of chiliad. sorry got off topic kinda

  3. I don't think there will be a limited edition (although if there is I will get it) because R* have already said that the first 15 people to pre-order get those special scope-things that you look through and see parts of GTA 5 e.g. Los Santos city, Vespucci Beach. And the first 100 people to pre-order get a double-sided poster. One of the images is the one with Franklin holding the baseball bat and Chop's lead I think.

    ...That was for each store. Do you really believe that they would make 15 little plastic pieces of bullshit and call it day, for quite possibly the game of the decade? Shit almost everyone here has the poster.. No, no special edition at all.

  4. I don't why people are hating on Franklin so much. To me, he seems like the one with the most to gain. He's going to learn from the other two, and could use it to his advantage.

    Also, All 3 have different abilities that they excel at, it seems that melee and driving are going to his forte(which is also why im stoked on him, if they do make his driving skill superior). But will these abilities be limited to each character? Really they can't expect us to only be able to fly as Trevor, but it does seem more likely that you could only do tactical shit as Michael.

    i dunno im high.

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  5. i really hope that the map is set up sort of like fallout 3. you can go in most buildings with a vast outdoor map. and with the map being so huge maybe, and i repeat maybe, a fast travel feature. so we dont spend all of our time driving across the map just to die and be spawned way back where we started. that could get very irritating


    There is fast travel, it is disguised in the form of taxis. Also planes.

  6. Neither do I, all I do mainly is just cruise around really. Or explore shit, or try and get people to chase me to see if i can outrun them.

    And what I meant by suggesting the cruise system, is that by even joining the crew of this site, you'd be able to automatically join freeroams with people that want to play similarly. I havent even used it so im still a bit skeptical about how it will work. Either way im almost always going to be found out driving on country roads.

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