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Everything posted by HTY

  1. Not sure if anyone else saw this, i thought it was pretty funny
  2. Cant believe dana signed off on at this fight especially because anderson said hes only doing like 7 or 8 more fights before he retires. They really need to do Silva vs Gsp and Silva Vs Bones, those are the fights people wanna see not these fights where anderson just destroys people (Yushin Okami).
  3. Surprised no one has said this yet but why not just have it as a cheat? like the pimp mode and clown mode from san andreas.
  4. I really dont see what the big deal is, The "wii 2" has been said to have better graphics then the ps3 which would make it an ideal platform for a new gta.
  5. I would like to see the realism from gta 4 with the fun stuff from san Andreas, I was really let down by the fact that gta4 didnt have base jumping(i know it did in dlc) or planes which were some of my favorite things from san andreas