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Posts posted by GunSmith

  1. My grandmother got diagnosed a few years ago and already had a stent put in. I talked to her briefly today over the phone and she still doesn't want to see anybody but said she is doing well. She is expected to leave the hospital soon but she will need a short period of physical therapy to get used to another amputated toe. She said she was still on oxygen, but my dad says he seems to remember her breathing going almost back to normal right after the surgery.

    Glad she opened up a little. Really hope she lets you see her soon. When she gets out, spend as much time as you possibly can with her. Take her for short walks, ask her about her life and learn from her. In 15 years, you'll be glad you did.

  2. My grandmother had another toe amputated. She has congestive heart failure and they're putting in another stent or whatever they fuck they do. I wish I was smart and articulate enough to talk to a doctor about it, not to mention she tells us as least as possible. Not sure if she's just worried about our emotions or just doesn't want to talk about it. How, if I shouldn't just respect her privacy, should I ask one of her doctors about it?


    Can't offer any advice that the others haven't, but I do want to offer empathy and condolences, for what it's worth. My grandma was the same way; we had to pry out of her anything (everything) she wouldn't tell us about her condition, it's frustrating.


    Most likely, she doesn't want to think of her morbid situation, let alone discuss it at length (not even with family). It wouldn't hurt to ask the docs; since you're family, I can't imagine them being too secretive about her condition. As for smarts, you don't have to have the same degree a doctor holds in order to talk to them. If you're smart enough to worry about her, you're smart enough to be able to state your concerns.


    Best of luck to you all.

    Also, how long has she had CHF?

  3. Bbojws3.jpg

    Now I have room and light for a cannabis bush, some baby habaneros, a crippled tomato, a primrose + daffs and other ornamentals, grain sprouts and catnip for the kitties, and psilocybes. All the plant-sweat and O2 filling the air makes this tent smell/feel exactly like a sunny meadow. Talk about endless summer. :D Old Man Winter can go fuck right off.

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  4. I miss commanding companions to stay in place. Piper and her shitty AI insist on stomping around, babbling shitty dialogue, and otherwise ruining my (shitty) stealth. The dumb cunt.

    I miss you, ED-E. :( At least you understood the element of surprise.

  5. Hot, buttery ham on homemade rye. My spirit has never been so conflicted:






    Also, I helped my buddy decorate a few thousand (or something) cookies. I mostly did the dazzlingly creative star shapes, she did the rest of the work.



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  6. Brilliant game. I care so much less about the fate of my son than I do about traveling and witnessing the Commonwealth in its entirety. Not that the story's bad: judging from what I've bitten off, this is the best storyline of the series. I've never been too invested in the main Fallout conflicts until now.

    *lip quivers* I will never have the time to fully enjoy this game. Life is futile. :(

  7. "...a guard shack to protect it".

    Your resources are vulnerable to NPCs? Can Raiders jack your water supply/sabotage the genny?

    Also, anybody found Threeeeee Daaaaawg yet? His voice actor said something about coming back, a few years ago.

  8. I had a lung function/capacity test last week. They found I have abnormally high-functioning lungs, and almost record-breaking capacity: 7.5 liters.

    Now I'm a pretty short dude who should have pretty short lungs, and I'm a daily smoker (non-tobacco) as well; they repeated every test, just to be double-sure, and the results did not vary.

    How can this be explained? Is it a shitty superpower? Am I Iron Lung Boy?

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