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Posts posted by Mercy

  1. The book I'm reading, A Million Little Pieces, is a "true story" about a guys stay in rehab and overcoming his addiction. Well, I just found out that he confessed and said he made it all up. I'm like 6 chapters in but jeez, what a buzzkill. Thinking about tossing it to the side now

    Well if it helps it's based on something true by the sound of it. People go to rehab for addiction all the time. Shame he just made up most of it.

  2. 603014_10151744647065861_523020184_n.jpg

     Let's hang out.

    Lol go for it graffitgirl. I hear he makes a mean salmon fillet.

    When I was younger I wanted a tongue piercing, I blame the spice girls but I never had the guts. A few of my friends have them though. I was more impressed with the belly button ring, trying to work out if that was a K or something. Also in the nicest way possible for someone who I thought did heavy drugs you have really nice teeth :)

    • Like 1

  3. Well I don't have many transferable skills to help here but I'm sure there are plenty of people who would have something to give.

    If you wanted some testers you'll have plenty of those too including me.

    It looks great and has a nice hint of comedy which is fantastic. It's really nice to see you guys come together to make something like this. Hats off to you all.

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  4. A friend of mine had this problem with her ps3 and took it to her repaired and they wanted to put a new disc reader in but charged a lot so she used a cd that cleans the inside of the disk drive. It worked fine after that and it cost her £5.

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  5. "Michael O'Neill: Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just...

    Julianne Potter: Passes you by.

    Michael O'Neill: Passes you by. Yeah." - My Best Friends Wedding

    Julianne Potter: God. I have done nothing but underhanded, despicable, not even terribly imaginative things since I got here.


    Julianne Potter: But I was ju - Michael, I was just trying to - to win you, to win you back.


    Julianne Potter: But that doesn't excuse any of it. I'm pond scum. Well, lower actually. I'm like the - the fungus that feeds on pond scum.

    Michael O'Neill: Lower. The pus that infects the mucous... that cruds up the fungus... that feeds on the pond scum. On the other hand, thank you... for loving me that much. That way, it's - it's pretty flattering.

    Julianne Potter: Except it makes me fungus. - My Best Friends Wedding

  6. record what now? people coming? :lol:... if you're asking for commentary, then sorry missy, i'm not ready for that... i'd want to hear everybody, and it's only possible to record multiple voices in a party ch@...

    Lol no the leader board at the end so you can see who was positioned where. You're just dirty minded. Although I should do commentary with gtagrl and casey ;)

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