Otiz P Jivefunk

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Posts posted by Otiz P Jivefunk

  1. eh? for me? I'm city but i guess us east coast canucks do have accents, from what i've been told and i type words the same way as i speak em. accent an all. when i speak i don't actually say "you're", the sound spoken is "yer" so that's what i type. i dunno, just the way i've always typed outside of anything formal. for example, 'what are you doing?'' is ''wadda'ya doin''. yep. lol or ''jeet yet?" that's really "did u eat yet?'' hahahaha.

  2. well this may amuse u more...i used his pic as my profile pic on the R* social site....and want to get a side bike crew goin but can't come up with a good enough name. Also i'm a hard pothead. smokin keeps me....well....out of jail, lets just say, hahahahahaha.

    long time ago i associated with some bikers. i love bikes too. Oddly enough his gameplay story reminded me of another life too.

    i'm not OLD, but i am older. Stayin out of real trouble is a must now. enjoy the option to sit around and be lazy or go someplace, anyplace when i want, not when i'm told i can by a guard.

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  3. yer right, it wasn't dumb, it was a smartass comment. 'if ya have ocd that wouldn't be a problem' or whatever it was. yer just being a smartass where i come from. i stopped reading yer comment after i saw that 1 sentence and responded to that sentence and that sentence only. Sorry if i wasn't more clear on that point. i could give a damn about what anybody else thinks either bud. don't get smart and i won't give ya an attitude. simply put.. no hard feelings at all here either bud. just know i jump at a chance to get in someones face irl so it's hard to resist even here. we can start over if ya wish.

    and to the peanut gallery: my consoles and games are well looked after. fuck i still have the same atari 2600 i got when i was 5 ffs. still works. In 32 yrs of gamin i've lost maybe a dozen games to accidents. usually other ppl.

  4. i preordered gta for both consoles a long time ago, so i'm not doin a DDL for this. as for the map, that can be found on the net about 3 hrs after it comes out. never had an issue with gettin maps. The thing that would stop me on this for the DDL is that i didn't see anything about the special and limited edition units for gta. if i'm just getting the regular game then yeah, i'll DDL the thing.

    guess accidents don't happen in bmw's world eh. dumbass comment, lmao. fuck

  5. i prefer the digital. it's there forever. redownload it if ya need to, no bs, no 2nd cost if the worst happens to yer disc. I've had to pay a second time for a 2nd disc with a couple games, but no worries with the data. plus my speed is good, can dl a game in 20 mins. got gta4 on ps3....2 mths ago, have it for xbox but wanted it on the ps3 too. took under 25 mins to get. came home from work, turned it on got it started on the dl, rolled a j, had a shower came back and it was ready b4 i was. groovy!

  6. could'a swore it did...don't think i was THAT high. was on a forum from an other game a while back, and the fuckers on the ps3 version were doin in game screen caps...looked fuckin awesome too, pissed the xbox users off to no end, lol

    ohhhhh.....maybe it was the game that made it happen....ww2 flyin game, can't remember the name, wasn't that great. i dunno tho, was well over a yr ago maybe 2 now.....

  7. I just joined that social club and made a crew...yesterday,yay me. lol.

    Made it more as a motorbike club just to be different. Not to concerned with it tho. I just made it for the hell of it, to see what's what. I like bikes and blunts, so.....

    Lookin more to find friendly crews to game with in co-op play than ppl joining tbh.

  8. i remember that from the interview with the big boss. apparently once your friends/crew get a wanted level, it then becomes an option to view on the news channel. here's a quote from cvg's interview with Leslie, the big boss man......

    " How is Weazel News going to work online? You showed news feeds of fellow players escaping from the cops - are we going to have the ability to share them?

    You don't share them. All you can do at the moment is watch the feeds when people have Wanted levels, from your apartment. It doesn't get fed out anywhere else.

    It'll just pick the people who are currently on Wanted levels?

    It'll pick your friends, Crew members, if they've got Wanted levels, yeah."

    the link: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/423020/gta-v-interview-rockstar-north-president-leslie-benzies-on-gta-online/

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  9. hey, lookin for ppl to game with on ps3, hoping to meet up with ya's on yer next run. I use xbox mostly, all my friends had it, peer pressure i know! lol

    but after seeing that vid yesterday, i am gonna need friends besides my brother on ps3 for gta online lol. wild!

    anyway, i hear ya's usually go on monday nites, so i'm hoping for a few rounds with ya's. me and my bro usually just stalk the cops in free mode, leave others alone to their own mayham until they troll us.

    I actually got so annoied with the trolls on ps3 i started makin private lobbies for just us. so yeah i'd like to meet some decent ADULT players. damn squeekers drive me nuts, specially the ones that are better than me....lmao (damn kids!) :lol:

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