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Posts posted by cuda

  1. He said he was a history buff, and people actually have other hobbies and like to collect stuff, ffs Cuda.

    It's your first time in Europe, you don't want to fucking spend your time in some German woods with a metal detector. It literally sounds like something an insane person would do.

    • Like 2

  2. You stupid shits need to watch FNL and see that little thing in a cheerleader outfit, comeback and tell me if your 17-year-old-selves wouldn't smash it with the strength of a thousand suns.

    And this all started because of that shithead Todd, or Lance/Landry whatever his name was in FNL.

    Fuck you and your face Todd, you look like a developed harlequin baby.

  3. Daylight in a 3 month period or so would mean around a 7 hour day, a few days in the north would not mean depression. It's also not nearly as cloudy as Cuda makes it out to be, it's not England. Here's an excerpt.

    Abisko National Park, a couple of kilometers north of Kiruna, is a prime location for viewing the northern lights. The scientifically proven ‘blue hole’ – a patch of sky over the Torneträsk lake that usually remains clear despite overcast weather in surrounding areas – gives Abisko its own microclimate, which is suitable for catching the lights.

    I don't know why people here are so opposed to this region, but it truly is beautiful, from what I've seen and heard from first hand accounts.

    Despite my recommendations for Sweden, Tromso Norway is the most famous town for aurora chasing in Europe and is right in the middle of the aurora belt. It's also very easy to get to. Plus, what a lot of people do is you can head to the coast if it's cloudy inland and vice versa.

    I've been in every single Scandinavian country, most more than once, and never did I see a clear sky.

  4. The middle east is fucking awesome, to be quite honest - people are generally nicer there.

    Good luck seeing the northern lights, it's always fucking cloudy and shitty up there, people in Norway actually get depressed and need medical help to help them cope with the lack of sun. Fuck that.

    • Like 1

  5. After something like 4 months, I have finally found the time to start reading again, even if only for like 30 minutes a day. Anyway, I never did finish Emperor of Thorns, so I started from the beginning again.

    Pleased to see that 1/3 through the book Jorg has decapitated a woman out of no where and killed a little girl just 15/20 pages later.

    Almost done with Prince of Thorns and it has been a very interesting read, it is much different than the common fantasy series, so I'm writing a few things because I liked this book and I like you too:

    Jorg is a badass, he is the definition of hate and darkness, he rapes and kills as he pleases but also gives good philosophy input on life. Few things that make Jorg a badass:

    • Gets in a duel (supposedly with swords), grabs a crossbow and kills his opponent.
    • Eats the hearth of a Necromancer just for kicks.
    • Uses nuclear weapons to kill a whole town (serious).
    • Kills plenty of his posse for being loud mouths to him.
    • Pushes one guy off a cliff to make a point.
    • Finds sex with a whore weird because he didn't have to actually rape her.

    One thing you should really know is, the book takes place in the future, it is my understanding that there was a worldwide nuclear holocaust and the human race basically started from zero again.

    So yeah, need to add this to the list:

    • Decapitates a woman just to able to use her head as a throwing weapon.

    • Like 1

  6. I think the efforts to make things easy for France are really disgusting.

    I'm going to be very pissed off if Portugal lose to USA.

    My predictions:

    A: Brazil, Mexico

    B: Spain, Holland

    C: Colombia, Ivory Coast

    D: Italy, Uruguay... sorry England, I think you have a hard group, would prefer if you guys went through though.

    E: France, Ecuador? lol@dis group

    F: Argentina, Nigeria

    G: Germany, Portugal

    H: Belgium, Russia

  7. Fish & Chips may not be anything special, but they're a national treasure because they helped us fuel the soldiers during World War 1, and it caught on. Fish & Chips is like what McDonalds is to 'merica, a cheap fast food alternative. Most of us don't really eat it all that often, but it's an end of the month sort of food, before we get paid.

    im just sayin bro

  8. Here's what you can also do: not have fish and chips.

    Sorry UK, but putting fish and chips together isn't enough to call it "national cuisine" - it's fucking fried fish with chips. In other parts of the world we just call that unoriginal, we don't mix the two together because there's literally 3000 other things you could do with fish/chips.

    Thank god for all the immigrants that brought good fucking food here.

    • Like 1

  9. Don't listen to Massacre or Dup, don't ever fucking stick to tourist areas - you will never get to experience the real feel of the country.

    You have time, so start exploring what to do in capitals, visit as many as possible and steer away from tourist traps. Get to know the highest points in cities, go there and enjoy the view.

    Visit coastal areas in southern Europe, there's true beauty in the south of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, etc...

    Visit Malta. Malta is fucking awesome.

    Go in the summer, everything is better with a clear sky.

    Experience the cuisine (again, southern europe owns in food).

    I really hope you go and do this, it's an amazing experience. Don't fucking worry about getting mugged and whatnot, just don't be stupid, I've never had any issue in my travels.

    • Like 5

  10. Dup, Bitcoin value isn't generated by electricity costs or anything like that, it's just a currency.

    Imagine if someone created a new country, call it Bit. Bit's official currency is Bitcoins - inside Bit you can only trade with Bitcoins. That's it really.

    A more interesting question would be, how did Bitcoin start the momentum? That I can't say, never really looked into it or even used it for anything.

  11. Thoughts on Ghostcrawler leaving Blizzard? I've stopped playing WoW for over a year now, but still keep myself updated.

    I think he did some good things, some great things, and some horrible things. Ultimately, the horrible things made me want to quit. I believe he was the one responsible for the direction the game took after TBC, at one point after WOTLK he acknowledged he fucked up, but it was too late.

    I wrote a massive post in this topic about the state of the game, if any of you shits cares to search,