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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. Some of the gameplay look ROUGH. I remember this one gameplay video has Lincoln taking out a gang hideout and when he threw a grenade the enemies it hit slid across the floor in a sitting animation because they were in chairs.


    It looks unfinished. And the driving looks like a headache.

  2. Okay glad I'm not the only one confused as fuck over this story.... But lets be honest, who really plays these games for the story?? lol Also I agree, when I saw 4 targets I was thinking there was going be a shit-ton of opportunities but then I only saw 6 and was like "dafuq".


    I do love the environment and the atmosphere of this level and I love how when you thought you were done Diana would have you do something else. It felt like this actually was happening in real time. I'd rank it third so far right behind Sapienza and Bangkok

    • Like 1

  3. LOL assassinate Matt Kemp :D Does he even play for San Diego anymore? LMAO But I could see San Diego. Maybe some kind of beach setting like in Oceanside. Give you a whole 2 blocks to work with like Sapienza. All the beachfront shops enterable. I could also see them just troll us and make it like in Idaho somewhere :P 

  4. Sweet!!! I've been itching to get into room 207. And I've only done 2. The first one and the Gary Busey one. I always try to make a point of doing them but then I forget and it's over. :P I made sure I did the Busey one though.

  5. So yeah I'm loving this so far.

    What really gets me is the intricately of the level. How when you go backstage of the fashion show it actually feels like you're backstage. Everyone is doing something and it doesn't feel forced.

  6. No you pay for it all up front and you get a new location (mission) each month. I think there are 6 more locations so the first season will be over by like August or September. Or you can just buy the Intro Pack which is just the Prologue and Paris for 15 bucks. Then if you want the rest the upgrade pack for the rest of the locations is like 50.