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Posts posted by Barrybran

  1. I think cats, dogs, birds, sharks, wolves, lions, deers and some domestic animals would be enough to slaughter. It is GTA for fuck's sake xD Sloth, bears and horses are too much. They are adding too much vehicles already, who would use a fucking horse anyway?

    I'd use a horse. There will be areas you won't be able to get to with a car and RDR showed the value of horses over terrain. In the city there'd be a heap of comedic value like trying to outrun cops and they shoot your horse down, going 'Blazing Saddles' on the poor horse (or any other animal), and attempting stunt jumps on a horse (please let there be cut scenes for this).

  2. the health system will be similar to past GTA's...

    ..the previews were saying our health will regenerate to 50%.. so if you're about to die you can take a rest and heal up.

    I know it's a game but that seems kinda weird. You're getting punished in a mission and one or two more gunshots will kill you. You take a rest for five minutes and you're good to go again, kill all the bad guys and mission accomplished. Onto the next mission. I'd rather more strategically placed health packs than the ability to regenerate. That's why they have food outlets and carts.

  3. I'm really looking forward to the heists, but do you think they will also include smaller scale 'heists' like just plain old roberries? Anyone who's played Mafia II- I hope Ammunation is like the gun shops, because it was actually fun to kill the guy in there, rob the register and loot the ammo and guns on display-

    Other things that don't include preparation like walking down the street and robbing a convenience store at gunpoint might be fun

    My guess would be that you'd start small and work your way up. It would be pretty good to hold up a store for cash though. Maybe even bust open an ATM.

  4. Zombies have been way overused in video games. I'm tired of seeing it.

    For the most part, yeah. But I still want more, because I'm holding out for a game that does it right. RDR was close, because people were defending their settlements and whatnot, but I'm waiting for a game that takes it further. I want to survive, not play an FPS with zombies.

    I can't remember the title, but someone was working on a downloadable game (might have been 360 exclusive, unfortunately) where you had to find supplies like food and fortifications for your base, and find survivors to help the base grow into a community, amidst a zombie apocalypse. That's the kind of game I want. I want the zombies to be an obstacle, but I want survival to be the focus.

    I spent a lot of time roleplaying in Undead Nightmare, gathering imaginary supplies, finding safe places to camp out, saving towns. It was a lot of fun. Also, Thieves' Landing was the safest town in the game. I spent a lot of time looking around every inch of the place, thinking about where fortifications and barriers should be, etc.

    Still waiting, game industry. Still waiting...

    That's exactly what I mean. I believe the creators of the Day Z mod for Arma 2 are creating an independent zombie game based on survival and stuff, so hopefully it's like we expect.

    Another type of game that's missing from the market - Motherfuckin' badass Gladiator games like Shadow of Rome and Colosseum: Road to Freedom. They were awesome, customizing your fighter and improving his gear etc... in CRF you could even chop someones arm off and use it as a weapon.

    I don't mean to stay off topic but could you imagine a R* version of Ancient Rome. OK, back on track :)

  5. If the game's theme is money. Make it just as easy to lose it as to gain it.

    That's why I'm hoping that race track that's visible on the blueprint map has some sort of gambling aspect to it. I don't care if it's dogs, horses, or even cars. I've got my fingers crossed for a horse/dog track though, I wanna walk in there as Trevor and drop 100k on the shittiest lookin dog they have.,

    I'd like to do the same and then shoot said dog/horse if I lost my money.

    If the game's theme is money. Make it just as easy to lose it as to gain it.

    That's why I'm hoping that race track that's visible on the blueprint map has some sort of gambling aspect to it. I don't care if it's dogs, horses, or even cars. I've got my fingers crossed for a horse/dog track though, I wanna walk in there as Trevor and drop 100k on the shittiest lookin dog they have.,

    I'm all about that. I like the a high chance of losing money. In San Andreas I was always in the negative haha. It made the game more challenging,

    I agree, make the game challenging and include risk/reward scenarios.

    If garages and house are separate to buy, which has been indicated, I'll probably buy mostly garages and businesses over houses

    I'd like to be able to buy a bigarse warehouse so I can store my cars there. Kinda shiity when you have a bunch of good cars and then you have to remember what you stole and which safehouse you parked it at.