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Posts posted by MainEvent

  1. Did anyone notice the "Trailer/ RV" in the River from Trailer 2 is in this new Screenshot? ~

    @Blacksox: Yeah looks like the same area, also similar trees, wonder why the RV is in the water all the time.

    ^I think there was such a sailing boat in Vice City if I remember correctly.

    Mm mh nice new pic btw!

    Or maybe these two screenshots are pictures of one and the same mission or side mission where you have to save somebody or retrieve something out of the RV while it is floating down the stream.

  2. Who in NZ or Aus is getting the CE midnight launch? Be the first in the world to post pics of your loot on!

    I am thinking about going to the midnight launch but I don't like crowds (or people in general) so I might see if I can bribe the shop clerks to give it to me early so I don't have to line up and wait....

    Spoken like a true gamer ;)

    I'm hoping I get it on the morning of the release day. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off, I don't look forward to spending the entire day going insane and waiting for the game when I'll only be getting it on Wednesday.

  3. again, another person accidentally damaging one of the packages and taking it home for further inspection... brace yourselves people, a shit storm of leaks and spoilers are coming... and i for one will be deleting all of them even remotely close on facebook... and here when i see them...

    for the fans sake, for pete's sake...

    Damn.. I guess I should stay away from anything video game related and social media on the internet as much as possible starting now.. I was planning on doing that anyway, but only in a couple of days, didn't think I'd have to do it this early.

    At least there's good people on this forum who will make sure this is a "safe", spoiler free environment though.

  4. It's fine to differ from the comic, but they killed off one of the most important characters. They ruined 80% of the future stories. They're going to be making shit up entirely by the mid-season break, and it's not going to be as good as the comic, not by a long shot.

    Don't read if you haven't caught up to the walking dead season 3 finale or read the comics..

    I guess I didn't mind them killing off Andrea on the show too much, because I didn't really like the way they portrayed her character. In the comics, she's a badass survivor with great sniping skills, her 'little family' with Dale and the twins, her relationship with that guy from Alexandria (blanking out on his name) and Rick were/are really interesting.

    Most of the things she did on the TV series just really pissed me off tbh, for example shooting Daryl when they obviously knew he went out and could return at any moment. She could've at least waited until the approaching person was close enough to be identified as either Daryl, another living person or a walker before she shot him.

    Her storyline with the Governor was just annoying all around. Love makes you blind but if a person who you have been surviving with for a couple of weeks/months (Michonne) tells you that you shouldn't trust the guy, you could at least listen to her, maybe investigate if what she's saying might be the truth or not before you consider having a serious relationship with him.

    I guess she just made a couple of decisions that made me dislike the character and therefor I didn't mind her death in the series. To the actress' respect, her last scene with Michonne really moved me, it was a good way for Andrea to die and for Michonne to move on and kind of take her place in the group, if that makes sense..


    Well we are getting a 4th season and I'm pretty sure the series will be renewed for a 5th and 6th season. I'm just guessing here but with the insane number of viewers this show has been getting, it would be stupid if they wouldn't keep it going for at least 2 more seasons.

    So who knows where this series will be going in the future.. I'm sure they won't be straying too far away from the comics when it comes to huge storyline plots. And by that I mean

    the group finding the Alexandria safe zone, not Glenn's death.

  5. I'm surprised to see so many negative comments on the show and the last season's finale.. But that's probably because I'm a huge fan-boy of anything Walking Dead-related (except for that Survival Instict garbage, that was the most horrible thing ever).

    I've read all the comics and to be honest, I'm happy they took a 'total 180' like Cyantist said for the TV series. If everything that happens on the show completely follows the comic books, watching TWD would be a whole lot less exciting for me. There'd be no shocking deaths of main/supporting characters (which is one of the main reasons why I love the show so much), there'd be no cliffhangers, no nothing.

    So yeah, it's great to see that the writers are getting their inspiration from the comics in terms of character development and main storyline, but I'm glad they make their own twists and turns so to speak.

    I can't wait to watch Season 4 when it comes out, it's right up there on the list of things I'm excited for, next to GTA V.

    Also can't wait for Negan (and Lucille) and his Saviors from the comics to be added to the TV series, if it ever happens. That'd be awesome and it could take the intensity of the show to a whole new level.

    *fanboy-mode off*

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  6. I'd love to be a part of a crew but the thing is, I'm really inconsistent when it comes to playing video games. For example: there's times where I'll be playing a game for days and then there's times where I won't be picking it up for weeks. Especially with multiplayer.

    For some reason, I'm very sloppy when it comes to being on time for meetings or when something's going down too...

  7. I dont know if anyone else has realised this but i think the website will be updated again on the 3rd. I believe this will happen because the first update of the gta5 website was on the 13/08, then the second update was on the 23/08 and so i think they are releasing another 3 or the rest later. Could be wrong but i think i see a pattern o.0

    I sure hope you're right, I need new info right now! Man, these next 2 weeks are going to kill me :(

  8. I have something a little more cool to show. It's still crude, and i probably wont even need to finish it since GTA V is out in two weeks. But who knows, once the game is out, i could make some use of a finished version.

    It's a quick sketch up of our map terrain in 3D so you can move it around and stuff.


    That looks fucking awesome! I'll definitely give it a better look when I get home from work!

  9. I agree that I don't think that any of the characters will be killed off as that will affect gameplay post-story. ie. kill off Franklin after all the hard work you've done to build him up and buy him things and then he dies. I can't see it happening.

    I do like the idea though of a major conflict and I think it'll happen, especially involving Michael. I get the impression he'll be pulled from pillar to post by Franklin, Trevor, the FIB and his family while Franklin will be sucked into the good life and Trevor will be in it for the kicks.

    The only major conflict I think will happen, will be Trevor, Michael and Franklin vs The FIB. There will almost certainly be some friction between Mike and Trevor, but I think that Franklin will play the peace maker, and keep everyone on the same page

    That sounds nice. But to add to that, I actually think Trevor and Franklin aren't going to get along in the beginning, and grow to like and trust each other after 1-2 heists.

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  10. I've never really been bothered about the time system in GTA but it would be nice if they made an in-game day about 3-4 hours in real life.

    I do hope they kept the sleep to save system, with the addition of being able to switch to Franklin/Trevor when Michael is sleeping.

    There was just something about sending Niko to bed after a day of blowing up cars and killing cops that made me feel good about myself.

    EDIT: It's funny how I'm still saying: "it would be nice to see if they'd make ..." when they aren't going to be adding anything to the game anymore. Just something I'll have to get used to I guess..