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Posts posted by Tahkyn

  1. Where do you find this marijuana guy?

    Closest I've come to is the story mission

    where Jimmy gets Michael drugged and then takes off with his car.

    and if that trip is anything to go by, I'm keen to see more, especially Trevor's since

    I heard it has something to do with killer clowns. Loved the subtle dig at Saints Row with Michael's trip involving aliens.

  2. I dislike that I can't get my car to the top of Mt. Chiliad (well, the ones I've tried, including a couple of 4-wheel-drives) since the roads at the top are too steep, Forced to abandon my vehicle, I was killed by a mountain lion. :(

    Got him back next try though.

    Not a major issue by any means, I'd just like to recreate my old Mt. Chiliad runs from SanAndreas,

    Even though this time

    there's really nothing at the top apart from that cable car.

  3. CE is sold out all through New Zealand. I didn't get there in time,. I had to settle for the special edition. That's fine, I only wanted that car garage but I'm sure it or something similar will be available to me further into the storyline. The electric car on the other hand... :(

    I believe that customization will be available to everyone but the classic era character skins are exclusive to the CE. I'm not too worried about that, I'm quite happy creating my own character anyway.

  4. V era Los Santos being the same size as the SanAndreas version doesn't make sense with what Rockstar are saying. They're saying they kept it to one city so they could do it right, and focus on making a diverse and sprawling city. The re-imagined Los Santos would then be much larger, the Game Informer article certainly left me with that impression. I think based on what I've seen over the last few weeks the new Los Santos will be much like the new Liberty City, much bigger and closer to Los Angeles than it's predecessor.

  5. I remember being psyched about that trailer, and predicting the game would come out 6 or so months later. LOL.

    I'm definitely excited about the scale of those mountains, especially given Rockstar's latest press release relieves any fear that they might just be an impassable range designed to fence the map.

    In any case, I'm hoping for a surprise trailer at some point today, to mark the anniversary. Wont be surprised if it doesn't happen, thought it'd be a nice gesture. Something to signal that the info drought is one week away from coming to an end. :jumpy:

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  6. I'm hoping bikini girl is a minor character in the story, someone like Michelle in IV. I don't think her and the cuffed girl are on and the same, cuffed girl has curlier hair, and the poster suggests either her or the lady cop are going to be minor characters.

    Then again, they could both be generic people in art with the sole purpose of selling life in Los Santos, and as tangible to the player as Lola. That would be a tad disappointing because I would like to know their story (okay okay, I want hot coffee.)

  7. fire ants moths tigers leopards cheetahs dingos salmons alsations pinguins people gorillas albertrosses anglefish reptiles. x

    That makes little to no sense at all. Could you enlighten us to why you would want fire ants? Moths? and all those other ridiculous animals. Alsations, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, gorrillas... really?

    Alsations are far from being a ridiculous animal to have in GTA, they're likely to be the police dog of choice. :P

  8. According to Christian belief, if you die without knowing Christ you will be judged according to your own culture. The laws of God are pretty much universal across all cultures (do not murder, steal etc.)

    The reason Christians spread the world is because we believe that Jesus has the power and authority to forgive anybody of their sins and set them free. This is why we worship such an amazing God.

    He is a fair judge, and I believe we can leave it up to him to make the right decision. He knows more about the unsaved soul than we do, he knows their entire life story and their circumstances. People will say that dying without knowing Jesus is an automatic passage into Hell, but it is not as black and white as that. The Bible also makes it clear that many who consider themselves high and mighty Christians will also find themselves on the wrong side of eternity. Think the anti-Christian movements of the crusades and the Spanish Inquisition which defies Jesus words to love their enemies and instead persecuted tortured and killed them.

    Well, that's how we spiritual, non-religious Christians roll. :)