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Posts posted by ZeeKay4pm

  1. Come on Rockstar it is time for you to reveal the map now please :)

    Do you think they would let us drive an interstate car ? for those who knows this game how cool it was you could drive a car with sentries and machine guns above the roof drive plus shoot that was the goal of the game in a multiplayer battle destroy your friends. Maybe as a secrete vehicle hide in a secrete tunnel itself hide in a secrete military base which is secretly hide in a desert and from the population, is that enough secret for you.

    Or just simple as car tunning adding turret above your roof car Lol a little to easy.

    That was one of the hardest things ive ever tried to comprehend. what the hell did you just say?

    • Like 2

  2. infernusmarked.jpg


    I think Franklin is driving the Infernus, if so, could it be that the dealership Michael is kicking some ass in is the place Franklin works in? Maybe the bald guy Michael is introducing his elbow to is Franklin's Armenian employer.

    What do you guys think?

    Good find, although i think it looks more like frankie driving, not michael; perhaps stealing TO deliver to his armenian dealer

    i have no idea what Armenian people look like so i couldnt say if this guy is or not.

    Nvm.. you did say frankie was driving, im just really high...

    • Like 2

  3. i think it would be wicked if they incorporated some kind of sewer system. it doesnt have to be massively intricate, just something to add to subway runoffs. i think it would make for some great gameplay.

    Idk if many of you have seen the GTA crash testing video which I'm not positive if its even real but it definitely looks like GTA. Either way, in one of the scenes there is an awesome first person view where they're driving in a truck and you can see much of the interior of the vehicle. I can see Rockstar going the distance to do something like that. Their attention to detail is phenomenal which would combine well with the game play. Imo that would be a cool feature to have in GTA V. With the ability to see your character steer, change the radio station, shift gears, etc. Maybe even an on-foot first person view option but then again I think that would seem too much like Far Cry or something else...

    What are your thoughts?

    Start the video at 2:52


    NOT gta. thats cryengine 3

    • Like 1

  4. RDR is the same size as GTA IV? That doesn't sound right.

    *googles it*

    . . .


    Niggah please.

    That's probably not %100 accurate but I think it's obvious RDR's map is not the same size as GTAIV's LC, and it's definitly not smaller.

    EDIT: After more research it seems like no one has a clue on how big RDR's map is. I've seen alot of numbers, some stupid, others reasonable, but there is no one answer apparently.

    Has R* released any statements on RDR's map size in the past? *cough*$3.50*cough*

    whats up with the Airport in Dukes? it doesnt look like that in the real game

    i think its the china town version of liberty city, but with the third island added

  5. yeah i think the vinewood sign is behind his leg somewhere, on the top picture the building to the far right (cut off) and the steeple looking building appear in both pictures, at a little bit of a different angle, you can see the whole building on the bottom picture. the radio tower is behind his knee i think.

    also above his gun looks like a start of a lake, which can be seen under his ass to the left on the bottom pic.

    you can also see the top of the long building in between them on the top pic right beside the cut off one.

    i dont know if im repeating what you said about "Roosevelt and First National Bank" im not familiar with l.a so i dont know the buildings.

  6. alright well first things first

    i dont know the geography of L.A at all so i dont know where the moutains would start on the map below, my guess is right above the 210?

    i dont know that is the case, BUT if it is..that red line is a 15 minute drive end to end, im just approximating because what i watched was just over 6 minutes, but it was fast forwarded. obviously the games scaled down, so the distance would vary, but thats still a very large area to cover, including past monterey park to say i dunno the L.A national forest. i dont know if it would go that far or not..but that is not a small playground just south to north, i dont know how far east it stretches. id say hacienda heights, that makes sense geographically to me, but bombay beach is way further than that so would that mean it stretches almost down to san diego? or would all that area be super squished closer to L.A.

    im trying to follow the maps that have been put together already, but some of the better ones are confusing as hell to me.

    the blue on the second map is my guess rough map edges.. with bombay beach included

