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Posts posted by 1970Stang

  1. Sooo, i was watching the trailer, again, for like the 1000th time ;)... any ways, saw the Zeppelins and thought to myself... "wait, if there are Zeppelins, that are made out of very thin material flying around Los santos, could we blow then up?? I know that the planes didn't blow up in gta 4, but really. its s Zeppelin. its full of gas and its materiel, though strong, cannot take a bullet. thoughts guys?

  2. My Idea is that this guy was an old mob boss, but shit got to real back home (Maybe VC) he comes here all classy n shit is his Gucci suit (Or GTA equivalent) and he has all his money on him cuz the banks froze his accounts or some reason, idk. he still thinks he's the shit, but his shit gets trampled on when he get mugged first thing outside the airport. they steal everything, all his money is gone and his dream of starting a new is gone because all he can do to even survive is steal.

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  3. While Playing the lost and the damned last night (Forgot I bought it) i was playing a mission where you steal a Slamvan full of drugs. any ways, on the ride home, the black guy you're with has a conversation with you like this (Paraphrasing)

    Black Guy: " so, whats the deal with you and the angels of death?"

    Johnny: "Its a war..."

    Black Guy: "You say it likes its all dramatic'n'shit"

    Johnny: "Its is dramatic"

    Black Guy: "So a war, like the gangs war down in los santos? that's some crazy shit down there..."

    Possible Hint to participation in Gangs wars in GTA5?

  4. I'm thinking more of a stadium like in Vice CIty that you can enter during multiplayer and there's some jumps/obstacles for you to play around with.

    That track is 50km long and takes nearly 15mins to get round. That's all I know. The stadium from Vice City, what a cool place that was! A huge indoor arena/stadium sounds a great idea.

    Okay im sorry, but who the hell is that kid. i've seen his face so many times and i have no idea what he did, or who he is. btw, keep gta 5 like gta 4 in the sense of random guns everywhere, did not like RDR Multilayer at all