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Posts posted by G-Lock

  1. Since the game is already showing some similarities to Heat I wouldn't mind an antagonist like this


    A persistent detective who is very good at his job. Both him and the main character respect each other but since they're on the opposite sides of the law they have no choice but to be enemies.

    Having an antagonist who is mostly a decent person would make our character the real bad guy for once as opposed to an anti hero like previous protagonist.

    I think youre on to something there, most main antagonists in previous GTA games, were such evil characters, that you always felt like the good guy (while killin and robbin!!), which is good I guess, but I like yur idea a lot! It could make for a lot more interesting moral issues during the storyline. You would almost dispise yourself for doing some of the stuff you have to do. (Think of Scarface, scene where Tony has to blow up the car and he then finds out that the wife and kid is in the car with the target, he then refuses to do it, and kills the guy with the detonation switch). As for me I like to somewhat get in character when Im playing a GTA game, (I.e. with TLAD I almost exclusivly listend to the hard rock radio channel, whereas I usely switch it str8 to the Hip-hop/rap channel, but that didnt feel right when riding my bike with my buddies in formation through LC!)

    @jobo, isnt it the usual recipe, that there are multiple "smaller" antagonists, but one main antagonist? Think of Dimitri in IV, Tenpenny in SA, Sonny Forelli in VC and ofcourse Catalina in III. Before you ever got to deal with them, you'd have to work your way through a range of different lower level antagonists.

  2. Our first handgun will most likely be the classic glock

    No doubt in my mind!!

    Our first handgun will most likely be the classic glock

    I am assuming the same, either the glock, the 92f or a gun very similar to the USP, but coming to think of it, the glock has been one of the most used guns on gta games, not only that, but law enforcement seems to use it as well, although it seems like the 92f is more of a preferred options for LAPD (lspd in this case)

    The glock has been used in GTA LCS and GTA4, how can it be most used? The most used is sure as hell the Sig p226/m1911, not sure witch one cuz the gun has 17 rounds. It has been in GTA3, GTA VC, GTA SA.

    Hate to be a smart ass, but a glock HAS 17 rounds. As for previous GTA games, since the graphics werent that sharp, they surely always had the look of a glock. Especially GTA3, GTA SA & GTA IV, I believe VC was more of a colt 1911 type pistol.

    I think the safe money is on a regular glock (shouldnt that be model 17 instead of 18?).

  3. Would love to see more realistic cops. Nothing worse than some ped being in your way, giving them a friendly shove to end up getting shot at by a nearby cop.

    Also, things like wen you find yourself under a bridge, with the need to shoot a tramp in the head, or even a silent baseball bat kill. Then boom, somehow the police are immediately aware and on your ass.

    I hear ya there buddy!

    Yeah I sincerely hope that this time around if Im in the back country (or even an alley in the city, dammit!!) and I kill a ped with a baseball bat/knife or a silenced gun, that there aint no stars appearing in my screen. Ofcourse when youre near a cop it should, but not when we accidentally have some collateral damage while cruising through the beautiful state of San Andreas!!

    What about that whole witness thing with RDR? Opinions on that?

    Well I actually liked that system too, if you were quick and executed the witness you were off aswell. I remember chasin one witness down for a surprisingly long time. Felt really satisfying when I eventually got him though! And it also gave you the option to bribe if you didnt wanted to get your hands too dirty. It makes the whole star system more valid aswell, if you would only acquire (did I spell that wrong?) one or more stars as to either a cop saw you do things, or a ped who would (if you dont bribe or kill them) phone your committed crime through to the coppers.

  4. I love driving to places but it can become repetitive after a while. I'm glad that we had the option to restart the mission in GTA IV because in SA you would have to drive all the way back to the mission start point and then all the way to the mission itself.

    There's one mission in SA where you have to drive to Cesar and then drive his car with him in the passenger seat... It doesn't make much sense lol.

    But I also hope to see a greater variety of missions.

    Oh shit yeah, I remember that one! It was huge drive aswell! Yeah thank goodness for the retry text message system they introduced in IV. Overall the driving parts have to be incorporated to give you the lay of the land as they say. And I even dont mind a long drive in a mission as long as the end result is satisfying, missionwise I mean. I can see a dumping of a body, for instance, where you have to drive way out in the boonies, and you get a cut scene where the body is dumped. You then get to get to free roam again, where you find yourself near a small town, where you can do side missions, Maybe for like a boss hogg kind of character. Where youll get into local politics (scare some people,beat someone up, burn a dumpster, etc) And there also to be some properties to be bought i.e. a mid-size house, a small bar and a gun store. Which generate some income and where you can re-stock for free.(Just letting my imagination take over!) As opposed to, as you finish your mission (and you have driven a large distance for it) and then to find yourself havin get all the way back to the city to continue your gameplay experience.

    Overall the variety will have to get greater since R* already announced a big variety in landscape (big city vs. rural country), thus the missions will simply HAVE to vary. In contradiction, in IV there only was the big city, so you'd get a lot more missions like: Drive here, kill him, drive there, steel this car. Blow up this factory with a bomb rigged truck. These are all mostly missions that you can realisticly find in the city.

  5. I really love the two new pics they gave us. It looks awesome, the detail in the chopper pic is awesome to, If you were in a chopper in IV you couldnt get that clear of a view for so far as it does in the new pic. I really like the other pic too, I think GTA Undertake could be right about it being the new glen park! Without overanalysing the pics for now, I just wanted to say that to me they look very promising!!!

  6. Since Im a simple guy, I have simple needs! So just the standard gun selection works for me! I have to say I hope they put in a heavy duty revolver like this one: sw500-4inch.jpg?w=510&h=283

    Furthermore I really hope they implement the weapon wheel R* used in RDR. Real easy way to carry your fav weapons!! Somehow I have a feeling they wont dissapoint us (well maybe the guy who supposedly wants 8 different types of an ak) in the gun department, its one thing none of the GTA ttiles have ever dissapointed me in!!

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  7. Having two protagonists wouldn't be the best idea though. I have a feeling people would get pissed off not being able to play their favourite character and all that shit.

    Exactly! I say no to the 2 (or more) protag issue, fuck no even! I remember a lot of peeps havin the issue with

    RDR when at the end your the son (`Work ya dang legs!!`),

    so in that regard I hope they just implement one protagonist, (my money is on the younger hispanic guy in the trailer), so you can have the classic rise to money and power, which we all love the most!! Now that I think of it, it might be possible to get older in the game. So as when you start of your really young, as to when you approach the end of the storyline, you have aged a bit. Maybe a little rinkle line or something, or a scar you have attained during one of the bigger missions, halfway through the game. (Maybe reccuparate in a gameday or something, after youve been brought to a cabin in the woods, by allies, after completing the foregoing mission), then after that youve got a permanent mark.

    With the original GTA SA at the end of the storyline youve felt completely different as a gamer, because you went from a smalltime gangbanger to a secret/agent type slash musicmanager slash casino owner slash millionair, but your protag was basically the same as the beginning. (I always started training the hell out of cj from the first moment you were able), so for me there was no physical change in thats regard.

  8. RDR springs to mind, walking out of the Armadillo saloon in the torrential rain and hearing John's footsteps squelching in the mud. I think more variety of weather would suit me.

    Just an idea, but since cars can become dirty in GTA IV perhaps the same addition could be made to the character model, adding an alpha layer of dirt and grime if you happen to spend a lot of time in the countryside. This would facilitate the need to change clothes now and again, meaning you won't go through the game dressed in only one set of clothes.

    I have the same feel when you mention RDR, stepping through the puddles of mud, in my dirty cowboy boots, yee-haaah! But anyway, one feature I also loved in RDR with regards to the enviroment, was the night sky. With al the stars out and shit. Really loved it. Walking through the desert, with a bright moon lighting my path, str8 loved it!

    I have to say I also love the idea of clothes getting dirty. I personally am a fan of clothes changing (call me a nerd, ftw!) and this would make it more realistic imo. they really nailed it htough in MP3, as a player you really felt the impact of the enviroment on your clothes. I even loved it when in real damp areas (rainforrest like), you could actually see the sweat on the back of his neck! I can understand that since its going to be a huge game, you cant have all these aspects (or else I will have to wield like 8 discs on my xbox!!), but I think the clothes thing is a very realistic option!

  9. Hey motor home lovers, how about this? This is the most expensive motor home in the world, at least it was. It's pretty cool, you could even transport your car in it.


    OMG I really love this combo!! OT I really want to see a variety, more so then what happend in IV. I really disliked, that you had so few choices regarding savehouses. I hated even more how in TLAD you received a new safehouse, which was actually 10ft away from your original one. But anyway, You have to start out in a modest appt. or something, (because Im not convinced the protag will be a old fat white guy, come on!!), then you progress through the game. Where you'll rise in money status and therefore have bigger houses, appts. and soforth.

    And yes we want big mansion(s) with loads of parking space, hot dang it!!!!!!!!!!!


    Cant really grasp this logic, But if thats what you take from this I salute you. OT. What tickelt me about this, was in the section on the epsilon site, where you can read the comments made by kifflom followers (testimonials), theres definitly some mention on San Fierro (and Blueberry), since those are two places from the original San Andreas, I do hope they grab us by surprise and include some other city other than just Los Santos. Furthermore I'm very curious as to how big of a role this Epsilon faith thing is regarding the story line (I suspect a big one!!)