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Posts posted by Bmw1126

  1. Can someone who has played far enough explain if this is possible.

    When you unlocking the map - can you do it by plane (or helicopter) or does it have to be solely by car and foot?

    I am not that far into the game.

    You can do it via plane or helicopter but I thought if I fly high then ill open an entire area but i was wrong and you only open what you actually go over so its going to take a while which I'm fine with.

  2. Much better version:


    This isn't the rockstar official map but is probably 99.99% accurate. It was leaked by Bradley games which puts out their own strategy guides.

    I know it's not official R* map, he asked for the real map, I don't think they would have a wrong map in the guide.

    I wasn't quoting your post. We were both trying to help him out and I was just stating that this map came from a outside source.