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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/11 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Totally bored of these games now. Used to be Call of Duty's biggest fan when it came out originally on PC, but we get shafted time and again and I couldn't give a fuck if this game totally flunks. Of course it won't because there are too many sad virgin fanboys on the consoles who will jizz themselves every 3 months when a new CoD game is pushed out, and again when they pay £10 for a new map every few weeks. Definitely won't be paying for this game.
  2. 1 point
    Thanks Synch, much appreciated. My final hand-in of my second year, which is a human anatomy hand-in: Turnaround of the model: Now I can put some serious time into L.A.Noire!
  3. -1 points
    Would they bother to show L.A. Noire at E3? It'll already be released by then.
  4. -1 points
    That 30 day's of Playstation+ is just a 30 day trial to see if you like it. They're not giving you anything for nothing, they're still being business minded about it.
  5. -1 points
    PSN is back up! Obama is wondering whether to make it official though.
  6. -1 points
    Third cyber-attack on Sony planned - rumour
  7. -1 points
    One of my mates told me the other day that he had his PS3 hacked. Some kind of dongle which allows you to play pirated games, I told him I wasn't interested in getting it done to mine and he looked at me like I was mad. I have absolutely no interest in pirated games, I rarely buy games anyway and don't mind paying $40 for an adventure which I'll get years of enjoyment out of. When you consider how much you can spend on a single night out (average around £80 - £100 for me) £40 is nothing. (I'll have to pack that cocaine in).
  8. -1 points
    Sony intends to have service fully restored by the end of May, following six weeks of network outage.
  9. -1 points
    It's back up in the UK now?
  10. -1 points
    I'm about to do mine, hope I don't have those same problems. Here goes...
  11. -1 points
    inFamous appeals to me but I don't how many months it will it take to download on my shitty connection?
  12. -1 points
    Seems different people are getting different glitches, I've noticed the frame rate drop now and again in both gameplay and cutscenes. I hope there's one or two more updates to fix these. Anyway, been quite busy putting together my new entertainment unit so the missus is well ahead of me. She's about to watch me play through "The White Shoe Slaying". I'm actually loving this game, hope there's plenty of DLC's to come.