Welcome To iGTA5.com

Posted by Psy March 14, 2011 : 6 Comments : 13,467 Views

iGTA5.com LogoWelcome to iGTA5.com, the latest in a long line of GTA fan sites brought to you by myself and the other great members of the iGTA team.

iGTA5.com is a fansite dedicated specifically to Grand Theft Auto 5, with rumors, speculation and fake screenshots to keep you entertained until Rockstar decide to spill the beans on their newest GTA game. We've got plenty of content at the minute, but it's all speculation because we currently know nothing about the new GTA, however I'm sure there's enough to keep you busy on iGTA5.com until the info finally arrives.

The website uses a brand new custom built content management system based on the success of our original GTA-SanAndreas.com website. Instead of cramming the website with hundreds of features like I did on iGrandTheftAuto.com, I made it as simple as possible. Visitors can view the content and leave comments, admins can quickly and efficiently add new images and create pages. I must thank Dunpeal, and particularly Pyrocy (or PyroHazard as you may know him) for assistance with the graphic work on the template. To add back that level of interactivity I've set up a brand new forum specifically for GTA5 discussion.

You will need to register a new account on the new forums as we're starting from scratch, however I think you'll find the features included make it very worthwhile. Alongside a built in chat room (with a 50 user limit), we have Facebook and Twitter integration, status updates and a much more user friendly forum layout. Get yourself over to the new Forums and get registered!

Otherwise you can browse our Image Gallery, read our latest GTA5 Content Pages or just read up on the Latest News which we'll bring to you as and when we get it.

Any feedback or issues about the website are appeciated and you can either leave them as a comment on here, or on the forums in our Website Feedback area.

Hope you enjoy the website, and hopefully it won't be too long until we start to get some GTA5 details!

- Psy

Just fixed an issue with the forums which was preventing new users from creating an account. It's all working now, so get signed up!

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