iGTA Community Spotlight - Snapmatics, Verified Jobs, Crew Event Highlights
Posted by iGTA5 Staff February 10, 2014 : 1 Comments : 8,531 Views

It's about that time for a new Community Spotlight article where we bring attention to contributions from our forum members on Grand Theft Auto V and around the community in general. In this article we have some cool photos to show you, a few new iGTA Verified Jobs, and Highlights from Last Month's Crew Events.
Featured Snapmatic Pics
Our Snapmatic Photos thread on the forums continues to grow by the pages every day, full of some of the most amazing pictures seen out there. And our Social Club Photo Gallery holds links to over 1500 of them. We like to take pictures, and even had one Retweeted by Rockstar Games on Twitter, which makes it very difficult to choose just a few from our huge gallery on the Social Club. Check out the links above if you want to see the rest! In this particular edition, we're gonna feature some of the more recent gems found in our gallery.
TOP LEFT: This hilariously explosive situation was taken by Rob. That poor Dog seems to have a bit of a gassy problem. TOP RIGHT: CFO Charles (aka PS Fanboy) is channeling his inner Hunter S. Thompson in this awesome pic taken in Bat Country. BOTTOM LEFT: GunSmith has a knack for taking amazing shots, like this recent one. Check out the rest of his gallery here. BOTTOM RIGHT: Someone appears to have passed out drunk in this funny pic by ItsGoonie. Next time make sure he paces himself.
iGTA Verified Jobs
As you might of noticed from our last round of Verified Jobs, we're not into making the typical shit you see out there. The Zancudo Challenge and Just Another Friday Night 2 were only the start of it. In this edition we have a few more PS3 goodies from the members of our forums, including one race that might have you screaming at your TV.
GTA Paintball
A small paint ball like arena. Pistols Only!
This is a great small lobby deathmatch placed inside a warehouse by the docks. Add it to your game today and check it out with a few of your friends. The match is pretty intense and plays at a nice pace. The title comes from it's uncanny resemblance to a paintball or laser tag arena. It's also a Pistols only match.
Crawler's Clutch
Rock crawling on San Andreas's wild terrain. The aim is slow and steady, not pedal to the metal.
Get ready to yell at your television and be amazed at the same time. This hardcore off-road challenge pits you and your challengers against Mother Nature. You will climb over cliffs and splash across ravines on your way to the very distant finish. And it's no walk in the park either, it requires patience, controlled acceleration, and vehicle balance. The Sandking is the suggested vehicle, but it has been completed with other off-road choices.
I FIB You Not
Fight amongst the destruction inside the FIB building.
Here's one of the more unique battles out there. A match that takes place inside the destroyed FIB building. The passages are tight and straightforward, but the battles make for good moments. The Forced+Pickup weapon option is the obvious choice here for maximum fun.
January iGTA Crew Event Highlights
We host a weekly PS3 Crew Event on the forums, and have for over a dozen weeks now. We have a lot of fun getting into all sorts of shenanigans with a mostly full lobby of friends, and friends of friends who rep iGTA for a night. And since our community loves to create jobs, we always have a playlist full of them to try out during the event as well. It's an evening of fun every Monday night! Here's some of the highlights from the month of January.
January 6th
We spent a lot of time going off jumps in this Crew Event. Sometimes there's a theme to the evening and this is what this one turned into. There's lots of good jump pics taken here in the forum topic, including a tank!January 13th
This Crew Event turned into pure shenanigans. The photo gallery from this particular event really does highlight what we do at our gatherings. Here's where the gallery starts, and below is a couple of the best pics from this evening.January 20th
This particular Crew Event featured beach stunts, wheel tosses, and a funeral. All in a evenings work for the iGTA crew. The gallery starts with this link, but here is a couple of the highlights.January 27th
So this Crew Event was a night in which we honored a fellow forum member by putting his face on our logo for the evening, because sometimes that's how we roll. We also did some more stunt jumps and 3 playlists! The gallery starts here, and check out a couple of the highlights below.LEFT: DuPz0r, perfectly captured what we were doing for about 30 minutes before the playlists. Jumps! RIGHT: Ace of Spades captured that forum member we honored for the evening on the hood of a car at the group photo gathering outside the mod shop.
Join in on the Fun!
If you want to be a part of our community, join the Forums!. We host weekly Crew Events for the PS3, and would love to have more participation on the Xbox 360 side of things. We love to chat away on the forums so if you're looking for a place to hang out, check us out.We are hosting our weekly
We'll see you next month with another edition of the iGTA Community Spotlight!
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