The Mad Dooby

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Posts posted by The Mad Dooby

  1. Because alchol has kinda always been part of our way of life. Much like smoking, but as you can tell, we are slowly discouraging it. Drinking and driving is a skill, And the new drunk drivers we have, who don't even know how to drive a stick, are the people you should be worried about. A 50 year old farmer drunk driving? That guy knows what he's doing

    • Like 1

  2. Funny. If you recruit veronica, and leave her at the lucky 38, you can keep her while having the BoS dead. But I killed house then the BoS, so I'm not sure if thats why. In my opinion, I'd keep them alive. Another place to find laser weapons if you kill the van graafs

  3. If you ask me if I smoke the doobs, you should be slapped, dropped off a bridge, rolled in dog shit, then saw dust, then have to watch gay three way porn with Jackie Gleason and then be thrown under a train. Because you clearly aren't intellectual enough to be in this world

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  4. Since they keep shutting down mental hospitals, I think there's more crazy people walking among us than in all the prisons of the world put together.

    They needed to drop 66 million into a new reman centre in my town. Its not even a prison, its a holding cell for people about to be convicted. And they needed to build a bigger one? Thats just sad. Then the Alberta government shuts down half of the phyc ward in a hospital to clear funding, and now they are complaining about there being a shortage of beds. No shit? Fuck, some people have their heads shoved so far up their ass, they can see the light of day and smell the fresh air.

  5. It was that night when you had a threesome with Duff, I remember I was watching through the window. They have some great windows in Amsterdam you know, you can look out of them onto the street below, and if you look closely you'll see that there are windows. If you're on the inside you can see what's on the outside of the window.

    *can't find relevant Trigger Happy TV clip*

    Is that why you sent me to get pizza? So you could masterbate in peace?

    Yeah, sorry but you're too much of a distraction when i'm trying to wank.

    You need expert co-ordination, and me taking my clothes off clearly doesnt help...