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Everything posted by samsam333

  1. Yeah, I know. But still, R* might want to be careful about the inclusion of theaters in GTA5. I don't really think it would be a huge problem if they did include them, though. Like I said earlier, they could just make the theaters like the ones in RDR and there wouldn't be any problems. R* has faced so much shit, it doesn't matter. What's the difference between shooting up a movie theater or a whole block of people in a video game? There isn't one. You can fly planes into buildings... oh no 9/11, you can blow up a car in a busy place... oh no half of the suicide bombings that occur. Therefore your point is invalid. Yeah...I guess it is.
  2. Yeah, I know. But still, R* might want to be careful about the inclusion of theaters in GTA5. I don't really think it would be a huge problem if they did include them, though. Like I said earlier, they could just make the theaters like the ones in RDR and there wouldn't be any problems.
  3. If they put in enterable movie theaters, I feel like there would be a lot of people doing reenactments of the Aurora theater shooting (the Batman thinhg). That would be really controversial and I don't know if Rockstar would want to have to deal with that. However, they still had theaters in RDR and you couldn't actually walk around in the actual movie viewing area, you only could watch I don't know.