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Posts posted by Pyrocy

  1. Kind of a toss-up between Thompson and Pachter as to who's most deserving of death by firing squad. And by "firing squad" I mean thirty guys firing flaming arrows into them.

    Pachter is like the weather man of videogames: Makes predictions that come true in some vague sense but mostly he's full of shit. Thompson, on the other hand, is just full of shit.

    Wow, this is getting nostalgic as fuck for me.

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  2. You remember that dude from 2004 who would ban you because you put swastikas in your signature? Well, that wasn't me. I am however the insanely cryptic man-thing you know as Pyrocy or, in some European markets, PyroHazard. In 1987, a meteor crash landed 32 miles from Mesa, Arizona. Inside it was a slug-like creature that fed on various wildlife and nearby neighborhood infants. Wait, that wasn't me either...

    In all seriousness, I was #2 on past Psymon-created sites and was responsible for the aesthetics which may or may not be offensive to you. *Dashes back into the shadows, never to be seen again*

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