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Posts posted by CoreyTaz

  1. Hey Everyone,

    My name is Corey and I come to this AA meeting to talk about.... Wait this is a AA meeting right??

    I guess I'll edit this post when I get time to just though I might say hey... And show you might see me here until GTA V comes out and if I make friends on here then you may see me even more after it comes out :).

  2. Honestly everything is a religion if you look at it and not go so deep into it. Even if you don't consider your self worshiping a "God" or "thing" you still have a religion something you believe in something you think about. This is to Atheist people that is a religion although you don't believe in a "God" or "thing" you still believe in something. I don't care what you believe in as long as you believe in living your life and living everyday and still breathing and using the time you was given to live it to the fullest you are in a RELIGION.

    I am CHRISTIAN I believe that there is a "GOD" I believe I was put on this earth not to be tested but to live it while I'm breathing. I'm not the typical Christian that needs to go to church just to show off in fount of people and floss what I got and give money to someone I don't know what he will do with it. I never MURDER somebody to where I need to be in church and be around fake people that put on a act.

    In my opinion those who have not been teach about a "Typical Religion" will not be affected by the day to day life.

    But when something "BIG" Happen like this...


    If something happen this year just know people will pray or... If you don't care and have no true soul or heart why did you waste your life just to die??

    But anyways I kinda love subjects like this but everyday I will be having though and questions in the back of my mind but until I see something really to where I need to pray my heart out so I can have anther better life...

    I don't know how to end it but I'm going to keep Living life :P...

    As long as you didn't sell your soul and emotions to something evil "Devil" then you good even if you don't have a "Typical Religion".

  3. What I would love to see is a Ice Cream truck mini game that lets me sell dope and make some side money, I will make sure I will have a Ice Cream truck in most of my Safe Houses in GTA V.

    Anther thing that would be awesome to have is a Pilot mini game that allows you to go in side the airport and dress as a pilot in fly people in Private planes or even a Boeing 747 :).

    Over all I want to just be able to go inside of any building I want or go inside a airport that would be a fun mini game or even having a mini game where I can get a group of people an just rob stores or BANKS!!

    Either way I will have fun in GTA V even if I have to Pretend I'm in a MINI GAME!!!

    Remember the RC minigames in GTA-SanAndreas? Do you think they need to return for GTA5? If R* dont put them in i'm not buying the game, but i was wondering what you people thought.

    That would be very awesome to have I love RC cars so much fun :) I know they had a RC thing in Vice City.

  4. I love safe houses a lot I know most people may not agree with this but I honestly love having the ability to choose which house should I save at and store my favorite car in just so it can collect dust while i play some missions. Have that option to pick one house out of the dozen I have is awesome. Each of the safe houses in GTA SA I took advantage of If I was in the country side I knew that I had a vehicle in my garage that I can use if I don't feel like stealing one.

    But it would of been nice If I had the ability to SALE a safe house that I did not put to use. That is one thing I hope Rockstar would put in GTA V is putting houses or even cars up for sale. So that mean you can buy a particular safe house that you only want to use just for missions in that area then sale it when your done with it.

    I don't really have a problem with having a lot of safe houses I can just choose not to buy it :). But having that option or knowing I can get a close place to save or store vehicle in is really awesome :). But putting it up For Sale just ups the Realism :).

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  5. Who would stop something that makes money. That's like saying you will stop getting paid because you don't care about your life anymore. GTA will always be around and will always change how you can play games. Now Saints Row try to be GTA but they can they should just stop its retarted.

    GTA ON MARS!!! Hijacking rovers and stealing spaceships THAT'S BOSS!!!