a Windaa Bashaa

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Posts posted by a Windaa Bashaa

  1. Timmy Vercmiciellies where just a huge middle finger to the Gta series.Even though Gta vice city is a million times better than driver 3. The best driver of the series was Driver paralel lines. But driver sanfransiso goes back to the old roots. By not being able to get out of the car. But then stuck in the ability to body rape any random person driving.

  2. Was so looking foward to this game. Since that I liked saints row 2. But it was so dissapointing. Its definetly the wourse one of the series. completed it in a day and got all the achivement is a month. And when i go on it now I just think WTF this is so boring. And now I can still play Gta 4 and enjoy it. Even know its what 4 years old?

  3. What Mgs is your favourite?

    Id have to say Metal gear solid 3 without a doubt. Since I had no idea about the series untill this baby came out! I remember buying a magazine with the demo inside. and i must have replayed virtuous mission about ten million times before getting bored. The best part about the demo was you had the crocodile cap at the start which was so fun to use. Then I played metal gear solid 2 which is awesome aswell. the terrorist plot was really fun to play. And the tanker chapter i just loved. As I was playing as snake. And the fact that I realised that Ocelot was in the game was awesome. Since that i loved him in mgs3.

    Which boss did you like the most?

    Ocelot was definetly the coolest boss with all the gunslinging. But the Ends battle had to be the coolest. because it wasnt all about running in guns a blazin. It was a mission with patience and tactics. Im so sorry I sold my ps2. And all my games! The games i miss the most have to be Mgs 2/3 and Gta 3 and vice city. Which is basically my childhood!

    Which boss fight was your most epic?

    Without a doubt the fight with the end. Just sneeking up on him from behind and aiming your gun at him and saying freeze! and him giving you his camo after 3 tries was so cool!

    What location did you like the most?

    I have to say the tanker from Mgs2. With all those soldiers having no idea i was there and me taking pictures of metal gear. Totally cool!

    most memorable moment?

    Feeding a hungry soldier a poison frog after blowing up the food supplies. Lol. Or maybe killing the ends parrot and eating it. Tastes like chicken ;)

  4. What would you like to be seen in far cry 3 that improves it from the second? Id say better/faster vehicles is a must. And being able to fly helicopters like the same way as you fly them in battlefield that would be insane. Also more guns and the ability to customize them. for example a scope/grenade launcher. Would really change the aspect of the game. Also more side missions. and more improved contract killings. Because one thing that pissed me off in farcry 2 was the fact that you had to drive around in a circle trying to get to the vehicle the targets in. Much better if the target was still like in the mission in farcy 2 when you had to kill the police chief. And finally, when you completed farcry 2 the game just ended. I was really dissapointed at this. This cant happen again in farcry 3 though surelly after all the complaints!

  5. But the graphics seem so shit on there nowadays, I played both SA and Vice on my PS3 and it seemed to make it twice as worse.

    Also does anyone else have a routine they go through when they start a new game? Mine is always the same; kill Ballas by bunnyhopping over them at high speeds (you can just crash into them but it knocks you off the bike, if you bunnyhop it flattens a whole group of them if you're lucky. And you stay on the bike.) And take their weapons. Kill drug dealers until you've got about $10000 (about 5-6 dealers) and buy the safehouse south of Grove Street. Then go to the gym at the beach and work out, stopping off at the hotdog stall on the way back to save your game (and get the armour pickup at the convention centre.)

    That's before i've gone back to Grove Street.

    Oh I forgot, I also pick up the MP5 spawn at Unity Station and increase my stat with it. And also the katana from behind a nearby fence.

    I do the missions until I unlock the robbery missions and then rob a load of houses. then go to the horse betting and hopefully win more money. Ahaaaa thank you horseys :P

  6. The cutscene when you pick cash instead of revenge and you go to roman and Mallories wedding. My heart dropped when I saw that Roman had died. Christ that was a right kick in the bollocks! Because i never saw it coming. Also th cutscene in museum piece when the three gta protagonists are togeather. (Niko Johnny and Luis for the ones that only bought gta 4) The moment i realised after playing gta 4's museum piece and not knowing that the two protagonists where there was the moment when all the stories clicked togeather. And made me rather sexually aroused...

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  7. May be where your adventure started. the first game i played was vice city. Which is my favorite. I remember getting on a faggio and driving about with michael jackson on the radio. Ahhh the good old days! But I now constantly replay the gta 4 story. Just because of the up to date graphics. An the fact that rockstar have taken on the mighty task of another san andreas game shows that they have some nerves! Most definetly Vice city. because it was the game that got me hooked to Gta games ever since.

  8. Cops and crooks from Gta 4 needs to make a comeback. That was a great game mode! May need to be tweaked slightly. For instance instead of the crooks getting to a vehicle just a simple evade could be better? And maybe something like search and destroy from call of duty. One team plays a security team and the other a gang. And the gang has to destroy a vehicle of some documents? And the security team has to defend it. That would be a lot of fun. Instead of playing games like bomb the base repetedly.

  9. Just think about how you felt when you saw Claude and catalina from Gta 3 in sanandreas. Or kent paul. I think it would be a good thing to have characters from other gta games in gta 5. It really relates the player to the story and the franchise. Would be great to see Packie since that at the end of Gta 4 you see him going to the airport in the credits. But people like Sweet would really ruin it. Because they dont deserve to be in it. because they where boring :L