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Posts posted by gtagrl

  1. What exactly do people do for Canada Day? I bet the 4th of July is better.

    We gather with friends and family, have barbeques and pig out, go to fairs and amusement park rides, and have parades and eat cake with red and white icing, and listen to live bands, wear every single ridiculous patriotic thing you own, like T-shirts and hats and Canadian flag lawn chairs we sit on for the huge fireworks show at night. Then we stay up all night by the bonfire, eating bacon and drinking beer and smoking incredible weed (for those who are so inclined) and setting off huge piles of fireworks (last year we cleaned out the stock at the local store). Canada is turning 145 this year.

  2. What you suggest boils down to a ticking time bomb for a health meter. That works for short periods of time - like trying to make it through a building that's falling down before you die, as in Uncharted or Prince of Persia. But if that was the norm, it would take over pretty quickly, and the game becomes a constant search for health pickups, which in my opinion takes all the fun out of the sandbox.

  3. The only appropriate place would be a Cops'n Robbers mode in multiplayer, where you could pick cop uniforms and vehicles, then have to chase and kill the thieves. But it feels wrong to even have the option of playing a cop in GTA. They're for blowing up, setting on fire, and evading by spectacular driving. They definitely serve their purpose, but I don't want to be the good guy. Otherwise I'd play FPS war simulators.

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  4. I don't get why some people only listen to a single radio station the entire time. Obviously you start off with a preferred genre, but considering the number of hours I spend in-game, I'd go batshit listening to the same set over and over, even if the radio chatter varies to match "current events". Listening to other stations introduces you to new music and different artists...who you might end up liking enough to buy some of their stuff. It would be like not playing's part of the game, and I want to experience it all.

    For the same reason, I'm not interested in linking to my own music during the game. The sound design is a huge part of setting an epic tone, and when I hear Welcome to the Jungle or Roller or whatever, I like that it invokes the game for me. Listening to my own collection would take me out of the game, and feel less connected to the fabulous worlds that R* creates.

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