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Posts posted by gamingneeds

  1. Things I dislike about GTA Online:

    16 players online only - People leave too quickly and the map is huge. I rarely ever see more than 2-3 people close to each other. Would like a larger amount of people on a single map.

    Bounty wait time - I hate that they changed bounties to only allow 1 per player per 45 minutes with the 1.07 update

    Cloud server issues - had my guy completely reset when a cloud server went down. 12+ hours of gameplay down the drain

    Lack of people willing to play missions - It is hard to get more than 3-4 people to play something, then most leave after

    Property Limitations - Why can I only own 1 property? It would be convenient to have property in different places

    No Businesses - I would like to invest my money into businesses that will produce more money online

    Air Strikes - How do these things even work? Every time I call one and drop the flare, nothing ever happens!

    That's enough reasons for now...

  2. Hey guys,

    So my account recently reset for some reason and I lost my character's style, stats, rank, cars, house and everything except my money for some reason.

    Anyways, I want to get my stats back up as quickly as possible. I'm looking to max strength, stamina, driving and flying. I've already ranked my stealth.

    What's the fastest way after update 1.07?

    Any help would be great, thanks!