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Posts posted by Handsome

  1. Mine is simply "Handsome." -I downloaded the iFruit app as soon as it came out to snag this tag.-


    So it was you who took that. The app said I had it, receipt and everything, then it went belly up, and when I went to check it again later, it said someone else had already taken it. Bloody glitches.

    I had to settle for H4ndsome, although I wish I'd gone for just HBW now.

    I'm sorry! >.<

    Had to do it, though.

    But, hey, you should add me if you have xbox live.

    We can be two handsome mofo's tearin' shit up!

  2. Not being able to walk into people and make them fall down stairs, cliffsides, etc.

    That feature was in GTA IV and RDR, so I don't understand why they decided to take it out in GTA V . .

    It's in V aswell, you just have to run or jump into them now.

    Yea, but it's nowhere near as fun as it was in IV.

    It also made the game see more real than just walking into a person that doesn't move...unless it's to pull out the phone and call the cops on you.