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Posts posted by mocha

  1. I live in LA and LA has a variety of busses going through stops and following a route almost everyday . This would be a cool feature since you could drive tons of people and possibly hold them hostage (a long shot though). but still stealing busses sounds pretty fun in general. unfortunatley i could not find any busses in the trailer but hey there werent to many scenes featuring intersections. Let me know youre take on this concept of busses driving around all day everyday. also if there is busses maybe you can use that as public transportation, also many dont know this but there actually is a subway system in LA but it only runs around hollywood and downtown.

  2. In a very recent interview dan houser confirmed GTA V being in only los santos. Im kinda bummed but hey he says its gonna be huge. So yes im not lying he did say this in an interview there will be countryside thought

    This is just for everyone who thinks GTA V will have san fierro and LAS venturas.

    link for confirmation.

    You just released the GTA V trailer. Can you talk about that project in any respect? Obviously, it looks like it's going back to San Andreas.

    I've got to be real careful here, or they will drag me through the office and whip me with barbwire. I will stick to exactly what's in the press release. It's Los Santos and the surrounding counryside - and a very big map.

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  3. icon11.gif

    I'm not being racist either but I want to play as a Packie.

    This times a million. Packie was pretty young so they could even make him a bit older and make bigger. He was funny shit. Fav character from GTA IV. I'd be stoked if it was him.

    going along the idea since Niko was the voice over for GTA IV, the voice over for the GTA V trailer would be the lead.

    BUT in the IV trailer they blatantly showed Niko and made it clear he was the lead. The V trailer they did show the character. Maybe because they didnt want the fans to think that was the lead character.



    sig \/

    i see what youre saying but theres a recurrence of the hispanic guy so i think that might hint 2 protangnists

  4. 340x340.jpg

    It was in Vice City. I'd kind of like to see that cheat return, myself, if only because Niko wasn't as customizable as I'd liked. Really, I just hope the next GTA takes place in the summer, I wasn't happy with picking my outfit out of a selection of twenty jackets.

    michelle: "cold weather we are having"

    Niko "quite"

    fuck you, i live in canada and i have to deal with -50 temps (sub zero farinheit)and 16ft snow drifts and your complaining cause it rains in winter?


  5. reading this topic i almost shed a tear. really made me want to jump out of bed and play GTA IV. I remember when i first played vice city i thought it was the best thing in the world. it was so amazing i was only 6 and i begged my dad for years until he got me liberty city stories for in 2006 it was the best day. i remember my good friend dylan whos mom passed away from cancer and now lives in kansas (i live in LA he used to) we used to take his ps2 to my house and we would play san andreas till 5 AM those were the days :'( Then i remember i saw the 3rd trailer for GTA IV and i was so excited i diddnt even know it was under development i remember me and my friend mike would go to his house and we would do stunts jump from the helicopters it was all great times in back in 2008. I still play IV till today along with lcs and vcs lost my san andreas though. GTA has had a huge impact on my life and when i heard GTA V was gonna have a trailer i was so happy. I was in school when the trailer came out i couldnt get access to a computer so i watched it on my shitty blackberry and i only got to watch like 20 seconds of it because my phone was so glitchy but i jumped around my class and this girl next to me said what are you so excited about its just a trailer my reply was fuck you i got sent out but i diddnt care i did it for GTA V. GTA V literally looks amazing id probally break a bone on purpose or some gnarly shit just to get my hands on a copy. The trailer song is amzing also its just so epic ive prolly watched the trailer like around 60-70 times. Anyway you could call me gay for a QD i dont really care just expressing some emotions haters gonna hate i dont give shit. i know everyone has a story like this. whoever reads this thank you regardless if its hate or compliment. #GTAV