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Posts posted by Pieface

  1. They should put dogs in. but not too many. If you have too many dogs after you at once, what's the point of bein able to run away, or hide. They'd jus hunt you down real quick. But i too would like to see all of these, or most of these anways. But the should bring back the greatest characteristics of all the gta games. Customization of body (tattoos, hair, weight, muscle, attributes, property purchasing) well they all are from san andreas. but new things would be nice too. I was thinking, when the cops get called or witness you comitting a crime,( instead of the radar right off the bat, or at all), what if you could lose the cops by running through buildings or hiding in them, or climbing up buildings where foot police cannot see you. that way the (dogs) couldnt get you either. that would not only be satisfyingly realistic, but it would also be satisfying to lose the police that way. Like in the movies wen you see people in a chase they run through random houses, backyards and etc. to get away or hide. And they better bring back bicycles. Another note, the protagonist better not be some 50 year old Caucasian man. That age seems too old to be doing all of that running and killing.

    Climbing on buildings in a game expected to be absoloutely massive will be a mammoth task, and start turning the game from GTA to Assassins Creed.

  2. no, he's like me and probably doesn't want to pay $80/month to use the internet on his phone... and i hear rumors of hidden fees to jack up your monthly payment if you don't have a data plan... fucking phones are getting out of control...

    Not that bad in the UK. You have no idea how screwed up the American phone system is. Such as paying to receive texts, that pissed me off when I was there.

  3. PS Vita is gonna be cheap, but is it gonna be another PSP? It needs the games. I mean Uncharted looks great, but they're starting to do a Tomb Raider with it and over-using it. It will become boring soon enough, LBP looked good, but nothing new. Modnations will be good if you're a racing fan who doesn't car fundamentally about the Graphics. But what was that other game called? The Torchlight rip off? It looks like a fair few games out there.

    If Vita wants to sell it just needs better games. 3DS had crappy games from the beginning, and I believe that will only start taking off next week when Zelda Ocarina of Time is out.

  4. OMG it's David Braben! I instantly recognized the name but it took me a few moments to remember where I had heard that name before, and that was about 17-18 years ago. Braben wrote Elite and Frontier: Elite II. Very skilled programmer, he managed to fit Elite II onto just one single 880 kByte 3 1/2" diskette!

    It's unbelievable how small and cheap computers can be, wristwatches are smaller but they can't browse the web and handle office applications (yet).

    The next step could perhaps be to make it wireless and build the pc in a mouse...

    Good story. :)

    You do fit a screen (Sort of) into the Watch though.

    • Like 1

  5. Demon......Why would you think i was a male? :blink: ... Clearly my avatar picture doesn't look like i have cock and balls and i don't know what guy would have Crimson BUTTERFLY as their username.

    But thanks for the compliment.... The photo is really me.

    Oh and...Yeah my parents were out, thankfully i locked all my doors and windows and put the security alarm on... just in case :lol:

    lol, we are not used to have female members, so I automatically think of everyone as male. And I'm right almost 99% of the time... I think many guys could have "butterfly" in their username, it's not masculine but not very feminine either. :lol:

    You don't need to fear a visit from me anyway, I was heading for Vice. :P

    Well, we have Nix who is Psy's Sister, Crimson is Psy's girlfriend. Wasn't Nec related to Pyro in some way or another? And Koko was someone's friend I believe.

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  6. Nice photo. :) I like the scenery. Are those animals eating sand and stone? lol.


    Swimming with the sea lions. Also did I mention the children of Africa need your money?

    Waaahhh why is the picture so big?!

    Pretty eyes! I see your buddy is agreeing with me and about to give you a seal of approval on your cheek haha.

    LOL! The way you just "randomly" happened to remember that link is so funny. :lol: I think we've not had cuter spam here before. :P

    Hitting on Psy's sister eh Demon?