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Posts posted by KingOfLosSantos

  1. Edit...

    I want franklin to die at the end of the game

    i want to go in side the police departments like in SA and also that you can buy yore weapon's back when you get busted like in GTA VCS that was the best thing ever the only thing that could top this would be if you could (not illegal) ,buy things from the cops that has been impounded or conven-skated

    "don't judge my grammar."

    or just break in the police department and steal your weapons back.

    yea that would be better but its a building full of cops and they will shoot at you if you are seen.

    options dress like a cop and get them or release the prisoners if this fails give them all donuts with sleeping pills in them and don't forget to put some in the coffee.

    I'm sure trevor does something about that.


    i'm a crazy freak
    I wish you can kill anyone, drag them into somewhere dark, and put on their clothes, Anyone, even a cop, fireman, paramedic, anyone

  2. I want franklin to die at the end of the game

    i want to go in side the police departments like in SA and also that you can buy yore weapon's back when you get busted like in GTA VCS that was the best thing ever the only thing that could top this would be if you could (not illegal) ,buy things from the cops that has been impounded or conven-skated

    "don't judge my grammar."

    or just break in the police department and steal your weapons back.

  3. i would say los santos would be more around 30-35% because i don't think that they would count surrounding water as part of the map. and having that little percent of the map be city would suck.

    I was talking about

    Lakes , rivers.

    I wasn't talking about the surrounding endless ocean.


    It would suck if the surrounding area's was only a desert ( but its not so it won't suck ).

    You cant drive a car on a mountain, so just forget about the mountains.

    100% - 40% = 60%. So if LS is 20% it would take 1/3 of the drivable map.

    Think about that.

    If someone don't understand this you should read my posts on page 54.

    And I want to say another thing:

    Look at the GTA V like its the same as IV.

    Alderney would be like LS, Alqonquin would be the desert, and dukes/broker would be the mountain area.

    And Los Santos is bigger than Alderney

    The Desert is bigger than Alqonquin

    V's mountains are bigger than dukes/broker


    R* said the map is 4/5 times bigger than IV's, and said that LS Would be a little smaller than LC.

    So if you can do some math and did some research you would see that LS is 20% maybe 25% but absolutly not more than 30%.

  4. i want to blow up big things like bridges and tunnels or small things like buildings and houses.

    Most of the "buildings" are not that small.

    what about the small ones or the gas stations if i'm going to blow up a gas station i want it Holy Wood style

    I said "most" not "all".

    If its possible to destroy them I want it to be better than Frostbite 2 engine, if they can't make it better they should not put it in.