9 New GTA V Screenshots

Posted by Massacre June 11, 2013 : 49 Comments : 25,220 Views

Rockstar has released the screenshots seen yesterday at Sony's E3 press event.

SpeedophiliaScuba TrevorSabre GT chaseFuck tha policeCrop dusterCool guys walk away from the explosionYet another police chaseOoh the pretty colorsYou sunk my non-battleship

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Comments (49)

  • Kevskyblue (Guest) June 27, 2013
    Wow where's all the love gone?
  • B4TECH (Guest) June 26, 2013
  • Be one (Guest) June 25, 2013
    On veut plus d'images sérieux
  • MythicStation (Guest) June 24, 2013
    @SavingFace: That's good idea, but you know that in Michael's trailer he did killed some people. (such as a celebrity on a big yacht who was shot by Michael on a chopper with the sniper)
  • SavingFace (Guest) June 24, 2013
    I hope when your michael you dont have to kill anyone. It just would be nice to have alteast one character that is not a murder. A Theif, well thats exeptional =)
  • stevenstadick (Guest) June 23, 2013
    I did 5 days for work charlie hahaha
  • Blake6993 (Guest) June 23, 2013
    If the 3rd pic is of a sabre GT, there's some nice custom details on it (rims, front bumper, hood)
  • charlie choo choo (Guest) June 22, 2013
    Also I remember when san andreas came out. I practically pestered my mum to take me to ASDA at 6am to get it lol and she finally said yes but ill still have to go to school lol HARDEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!
  • charlie choo choo (Guest) June 22, 2013
    Ive booked 7 days of annual leave at work to play this game...7 days of being payed to play GTA YES!!!
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