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Posts posted by xBlaz3x

  1. I could see the prison thing working if its kinda like this .... if you get arrested by the police it shows a little cutscene with your lawyer in a courtroom then you get released but if you get caught by the cops within 30 in game days then you'll go to prison for a while depending on what you did and the charges against you

  2. In GTA V I want the fighting to be more realistic in GTA IV niko had wack ass fake punches and kicks. I wanna be able to hold the punch button down hard and my character could throw a hard hook and knock a ped out cold so I could run through his pockets and take all his money lol ... an another thing why is it when you kill somone they fake looking money floats above the ground I wanna see real looking money in GTA V and I also want to be about to rob any grocery store,supermarket,bank,atm machines and random ped on the street anytime I feel like and not just during a mission ...what y'all think????