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Posts posted by PEPepper

  1. While getting in fights is fun on gtaiv, gtaV should involve just a tad bit more than pressing bbybyyybybyyybyybybybyb in a mad frenzy until your opponent falls when then you press xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. Also don't let people die by punch in the stomach that was kinda gay. Knock them out like rdr. But in rdr if you climb up and fight on the watertower in tumbleweed (The 2nd town is all I know?) and they fell like 15 feet on their neck they would get up anyway. R* will figure it out.

    And THAT ^^ is what I like to call a run-on sentence

  2. No niko

    No customizing cars

    No fun cheats

    Old white guy douche as protag

    Really pushy drivers at red lights

    No CJ or Dwayne

    No packie

    Te only kind of missions are: kill this guy, end of story

    Very little clothes

    Very little enterable buildings

    indestructible fences and trees

    Not being to annihilate little shacks

    No street sports

    No animals

    No buyable houses

    All of those would be bad if in the game

  3. I think that there should be more random crime. It would be cool to be driving and you see some guy jacking a car and the cops chasing him.

    You should have some way to save a car so if you are forced out of it by a mission (which is inevitable). Maybe your friend could drive it to you like on tbogt. you should be able to customize it more than changing the color.

    STREET SPORTS! Football and basketball please.

    More clothes also. Make the vinewood sign destroyable!