The Invisible Lines

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Posts posted by The Invisible Lines

  1. Apologies if this has been brought up/answered before, but I'm one mission away from completing the Epsilon missions and I'm having a problem. I know you're supposed to play as michael wearing the Epsilon outfit, and you have to do it for about 10 in-game days; however, I've been wearing the outfit as Micheal for several in-game WEEKS and the final mission marker isn't appearing. I've even tried donating more money to the program, ha. Has this happened to anyone else? Suggestions?

  2. Hey all. I had something odd happen in-game. I don't think it's worth making a new thread over, but I wanted to ask around to see if it's happened to anyone else. I was playing single player as Trevor just effing around in the Senora Desert near the satellite dishes. I saw a blip on my screen and went to check it out, and when I got to it there was an empty car sitting along side the road. As soon as I got out of my car the screen went into the "wasted" animation, but didn't say "wasted." As I was slow-mo falling to the ground there was someone standing on the side of the road and it looked like they were pointing a gun at me. I then woke up in the same general area wearing just my underwear in daylight (it was night when I went to the blip).

    Promising I'm not bullshitting, I'm just curious if this has happened to anyone else because I haven't seen it mentioned. I don't know if it's just totally random, or if it's somehow related to a post-story thing. Thanks in advance for any insight.

    *EDIT: I should also note that I didn't spawn at the hospital, wasn't charged a medical bill, and again -- the screen didn't say "wasted" as I died.

  3. I'm actually not expecting either aliens or zombies. I think what we're going to see will be more similar to IV's, but with the same protags instead of new ones. I'm all for that, but what I really want to see is places like the casino, a full office building downtown, open-for-missions-but-closed-in-free-roam sets, etc. being open and interactive. Seems like such a waste of space to not be used.

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  4. Cracked 'er open last night after work and played for about four hours. Unbelievable. The jump in graphics from IV blows my mind. Opening sequence was the best in GTA history (so is the driving and shooting, in my opinion). I've only gotten through a handful of missions. Haven't unlocked Trevor yet, but that's because I was dicking off most of the time. I haven't even unlocked any areas outside the city (that's for tonight). I killed an unspeakable amount of Los Santonians, did some diving, rode the roller coaster. I really dig the wanted system -- the "cones" are really cool/useful. The missions are varied and super fun. Oh, and titties. I threw money at titties.