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Posts posted by RedRooster

  1. What if the antagonist is gonna blow up the city for some reason- via - nuke - but you in the final mission like shoot down his plane or sink his ship and he dies and the nukes are on the bottom of the ocean. LOL what if you could have it as a special easter egg, where you get a submarine or infinite breath and you can go down and see them there. :D :D

    Worst. Storyline. Ever.

    What if the antagonist is gonna blow up the city for some reason- via - nuke - but you in the final mission like shoot down his plane or sink his ship and he dies and the nukes are on the bottom of the ocean. LOL what if you could have it as a special easter egg, where you get a submarine or infinite breath and you can go down and see them there. :D :D

    Worst. Storyline. Ever.

    Agree. Nukes are just a stupid idea. Ain't gonna happen..

  2. they could just be putting it up as October so people start pre-ordering

    Maybe so, i'm confident on a october release. don't know if anyone had noticed, on the screen-cap of the vapid/cop car, it says OCT san andreas on the licence plate. maybe as bad as the 2405 conclusion, but just saying... :v

    same they cant make us wait till may 2013 or sometime in 2013 there cant be that many more things they need to do with the game if the trailers anything to go by the game looks amazing already and that was in november 2011 and its now may :/

    Yep true, and it's been 4 years since IV

  3. I've got a few beginning/storylines in mind:

    1) You start of in the character's past. Say Vice City in the 1990's or something, doing some missions that involve the protagonists past (basically a prolouge) just so we can get good backround on the guy. These missions involve lot's of killings and robberies, etc.

    After a number of those missions, it sort of goes into the present day and you decide you want to leave the gang and live a peaceful life. Your "homies" aren't to happy about it and they begin persuading you to stay. One dickhead goes way too far and begins pushing and shoving you, eventually slapping you. You lose your temper and shoot the guy, giving you a shit load of heat.

    So, the last mission in the prolouge involves escaping Vice City. You have to kill countless enemies coming after you, and get to safety. The game gives you three choices: 1) Escape by boat. 2) Escape by plane/helicopter. 3) Escape by car.

    Choosing to go via boat will lead to a huge chase and eventual shootout in the docks. Most of the chasers/shooters will be from the cars and controlling the neighbourhood. The other set of gangsters will be from a drugs shipment coming in. Once you kill them, you take one of the boats and head to Los Santos, bear in mind, the gangsters will come after you in their boats.

    Choosing to go by plane will lead to a huge airport shootout diverting incoming flights and cancelling outgoing flights. Once you kill of the gangsters, you can steal a plane or helicopter or force a pilot to fly you. This will take you to Los Santos.

    Going by car, will be the hardest way to go. You'll have to drive for miles in order to get to Los Santos, battling your way through chasers and road blocks created by gangsters and some roadblocks created by state police.

    The story could now go two ways:

    1) Your car gets too much damage done to it. You abandon your car and make your way through the woods trying to escape the attention and find your way to Los Santos. Whilw travelling through the woods, you hear police and gangsters shouting stuff like "You can't hide forever you prick!!" or "Just give yourself up and make this less painful for yourself!!"

    You begin to think to yourself about just letting the bastards have you, when suddenly, someone in the woods (whether it be a normal resident or maybe a hippie, like The Truth) says: "I can get you outta here." You agree to the help offered and this person begins driving while you ride shotgun. Because your in the woods, you only bump into a few enemies. You eventually arrive in Los Santos.

    2) You keep battling your way through the cops and gangsters, until you reach the toll bridge. Your crossing the toll bridge that leads into Los Angeles with one gang car still persuing you. The guy riding shotgun pulls out an RPG and attempts blow you up. Somehow, the idiot fires the RPG from a bad position blowing up the bridge as you race to get of. Going with the typical GTA style of things. The bridge will be closed indefintely.

    Now that you've somehow got to Los Santos, you begin trying to find a place to lay low. If you travel with the hippie, he has a few connections that can help you. If you went solo with your car, you travel about the city trying to find somewhere for rent or on sale for a decent price.

    You eventually find a small shithole crib to hold yourself up in for a while. The next morning when you wake up after a rough night sleep, people somehow find out who you are and find out you're in Los Santos. They begin calling you.

    You get to know a few people, and do small jobs like: intimidating people who have loaned money from the person you know, to maybe a petty car theft. Before you know, you begin getting your bad reputation back.

    After doing jobs and earning lots of money, you buy yourself that big house the protagonist dreamed of in the trailer. You have a family now and your life is going great. Suddenly, you find out the guys you're now working with, are connected to your former boss in Vice City. So, somehow, the bridge is reopened or he gets a private jet over or some shit. He, along with members of the gang, break into your house, kidnap your family and shoot you.

    After your family gets kidnapped and you get shot, you wake up in hospital, not forgetting what happened. You get out of hospital, and go on a relentless manhunt leaving nothing but blood and destruction in your path.

    The last mission involves going back to Vice City after you get a lead on the bosses location. You find him and your family in the gang's compound. You have a huge shootout, where you eventually come out on top. You go and finally get your family back. Your old gang is no more.

    You and your family go back home to good old Los Santos. Throughout time, you time up loose ends with some people...

    I forgot to mention that during the mission where you're escaping Vice City, the beginning credits come up. Not that it's important.

    Not bad, but why's everyone delusional bout your family bein kidnapped n shit, sorta be like RDR story-wise, It's all bout the almighty $.

  4. I think i would need to buy a better PC to run the game smooth. I played GTA IV on PC and i can't imagine playing it on a console mostly because of the aiming, you have alot more touch for the shooting and aiming on a PC, IMO.

    Aim on PS3 and Xbox is automatic. At least, I never changed it. *shame*

    I hate the auto aim, always turn it off. annoying when it starts aiming at peds when your trying to shoot the cops n shit

    • Like 1

  5. I think we won't be able to see anything for the first 3 seconds of the game but we can hear a radio dj's voice and he says something like "Good morning/afternoon/evening Los Santos" depending on what time it is and he could say what the temperature is and how the traffic is doing. We then cut to Albert (if he is the Protagonist) waiting outside the school for his son and they get in and drive home. When they get home, Albert's phone rings and that is where the main missions start.

    No way in hell because: Kids will never be in GTA.

    Exactly... And who the fuck would want kids in gta.. jesus christ go play sims ffs!

  6. I think the cops should be a lot more intelligent with their driving but not with their shooting. I mean like when there is a car chase, it would be awesome if cops took shortcuts. So when you are driving cops can appear from anywhere and maybe try to ram you like they do in action movies. So what I mean is that they should be more intelligent but not very realistically intelligent. And one cool thing with the shooting would be if you are like inside a bank or store robbing it. It would be awesome if the police would surround the area and hide behind their cars and wait for you to come out. Like with their guns pointing at the door but it should not be very hard to kill them if you have the firepower. One thing that I think is worth mentioning is that this should happen only at 4 Stars, when SWAT comes.

    The more realistic the better i'd say.

  7. Well in V im gonna try do without them. See how i get on , unless there's kickass cheats like jetpack n stuff :whistle:

    Wait a second... You NEED cheats to complete the game? If so, you should definitely not be playing games, especially GTA which has no difficulty levels.

    I always do the first run without any cheats, then I create a new save to cheat on and fuck around.

    Wait a second... I shouldn't be playin games, which have cheats without using them? I wouldn't say i need them either but i just like using them.. simples

  8. Well in V im gonna try do without them. See how i get on , unless there's kickass cheats like jetpack n stuff :whistle:

    Wait a second... You NEED cheats to complete the game? If so, you should definitely not be playing games, especially GTA which has no difficulty levels.

    I always do the first run without any cheats, then I create a new save to cheat on and fuck around.

    I don't need cheats to beat the game, but used to use car cheats n stuff. I don't care bout trophies n shit.

    AKA it's too hard for you to find a car. Or buy body armor or weapons, as gathered from your previous posts.

    Not hard, just easier. car cheats don't really benefit game completion,