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Posts posted by Snuggy

  1. North 11th Street and Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg Brooklyn

    take a look at trevors face


    heres another creepy mural shot of an eyeless michael, i'm just waiting for franklin's to be the same, you can be the first to have all of them added as a trio of eyeless protagonists to add to your collection 824e737b8c603f8333a7b766a4ee4837.jpg

    take a look at trevors face


    better one: b0038c28743646f67c098da06abc3b96.jpg

  2. It's not uncommon for people to lose their minds on expeditions like that, especially cold ones.

    All those homeless you see that sound like they smoke pot 24/7? It's an effect of hypothermia from living through the cold cold nights. Affects the brain.


  3. A bit of a long read, but worth it: The Dyatlov Pass incident generally refers to the mysterious deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural mountains on the night of February 2, 1959. The incident happened on the east shoulder of the mountain Kholat Syakhl (Холат-Сяхыл) (a Mansi name, meaning Mountain of the Dead). The mountain pass where the incident occurred has since been named Dyatlov Pass (Перевал Дятлова) after the group's leader, Igor Dyatlov (Игорь Дятлов).

    The lack of eyewitnesses has inspired much speculation. Soviet investigators simply determined that "a compelling natural force" had caused the deaths. Access to the area was barred for skiers and other adventurers for three years after the incident. The chronology of the incident remains unclear because of the lack of survivors.

    Investigators at the time determined that the hikers tore open their tent from within, departing barefoot into heavy snow and a temperature of −30 °C (−22 °F). Although the corpses showed no signs of struggle, two victims had fractured skulls, two had broken ribs, and one was missing her tongue.

    Journalists reporting on the available parts of the inquest files claim that it states:

    • Six of the group members died of hypothermia and three of fatal injuries.
    • There were no indications of other people nearby apart from the nine travelers on Kholat Syakhl, nor anyone in the surrounding areas.
    • The tent had been ripped open from within.
    • The victims had died 6 to 8 hours after their last meal.
    • Traces from the camp showed that all group members left the camp of their own accord, on foot.
    • To dispel the theory of an attack by the indigenous Mansi people, Dr. Boris Vozrozhdenny stated that the fatal injuries of the three bodies could not have been caused by another human being, "because the force of the blows had been too strong and no soft tissue had been damaged".
    • Forensic radiation tests had shown high doses of radioactive contamination on the clothes of a few victims.
    • Released documents contained no information about the condition of the skiers’ internal organs. Some researchers claim some facts were missed, perhaps ignored, by officials:

      • 12-year-old Yury Kuntsevich, who would later become head of the Yekaterinburg-based Dyatlov Foundation (see below), attended five of the hikers' funerals and recalls their skin had a "deep brown tan".
      • Some of the hikers' clothing (2 pants and sweater) were found to be highly radioactive.
      • Another group of hikers (about 50 kilometers south of the incident) reported that they saw strange orange spheres in the night sky to the north (likely in the direction of Kholat Syakhl) on the night of the incident. Similar "spheres" were observed in Ivdel and adjacent areas continually during the period of February to March 1959, by various independent witnesses (including the meteorology service and the military). These were later proven to be launches of R-7 intercontinental missiles by Eugene Buyanov.
      • Some reports suggest that there was a great deal of scrap metal in the area, leading to speculation that the military had utilized the area secretly and might have been engaged in a cover-up.
      • The last camp of Dyatlov group was located on direct way from Baikonur Cosmodrome (from where some test launches of intercontinental missile R-7 were executed) to Chyornaya Guba, Novaya Zemlya archipelago (where was major nuclear testing ground of the Soviet Union).


  4. The animals we know about so far are: Sharks ( at least one species ), bears, cougars, deer, birds ( at least one species ) and dogs. How many more possible species/ animals could there be, maybe wolves, different species of fish, whales or dolphins, snakes, what else could there potentially be?

    Have bears been confirmed? The articles from the day the gameplay video came out and the CVG video are the only things I haven't read/watched, so I assume it would've been in one of those.

    We know for sure that there must be predatory land animals, " Animals to spot, hunt, and be hunted by." only ones I can think of besides the already confirmed cougars, ( or mountain lions ) are bears and wolves

  5. A majority of this article is shit, but if its true what they said, " The game will be releasing in Japan on October 10, showing Rockstar’s commitment to giving the game an international push. The article also reveals some cool new details about the game.

    Your dog’s name in the game will be Chop and you’ll be able to customize him, with the ability to change his collar, other accessories and more. You might even end up losing your dog, if you don’t keep an watch over him.
    The article also reveals that over 15 types of wild animals can be found in the game. The animations of the game have improved a lot since the last GTA release, according to Rockstar. Each of the three characters has also been given a specific walking animation to add to the realism.
    The game will also feature a dedicated underwater mission which Michael and Trevor will take part in. They’ll travel to the location using jet-skis.

    I couldn't find the famitsu article, but if you can somehow get ahold of it, I'd like to know if this is legit. But hey, a customizable Chop is at least some sort of news.