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Posts posted by MarcoPoloUSN

  1. As a skater, I think the replay value -- for Skate 2 and Skate 3 -- is sky high. You must understand skateboarding to know that. The real skateboarding world is best friends with the film making world. The instant replay system (Skate 2 and Skate 3) is genius. It allows you to get all sorts of dynamic angles like real directors get. I can play the series eternally because: 1. I love skateboarding. 2. I can film and direct videos.

    I've seen GTA movies. What other games have a replay system that's good enough to make movies? It has been done in Skate 3, Skate 2, and GTA.

  2. This will be the closest watched film series in terms of screenwriting and directing. A lot of hard choices have to be made. Personally, I think "Disney" is not a good name to be hovering over "Star Wars." Star Wars -- with its massive cultural impact -- is the type of series that must be handled by the initial story tellers. Disney must not have creative control. That would probably ruin everyone's day

  3. Like I said in my first post, I'm into the Skate Series. It is EA's understated masterpiece. I have never seen film making better incorporated into two video games. May just be me. Maybe I haven't played enough games. Skate 2 and Skate 3 have the best video development elements. The original "skate." just has the best "skateboarding feel." Anyone who knows about real skateboarding and the serious film making that comes with it can get a lot out of Skate 3.

    Something that I made for Skate 3:

    There are a lot of better videos out there. It's all fun and games.